DPPt/HGSS Looking for a PIKACHU with SURF and MODEST Manaphy

ii d a v i d !!

Aspiring Trainer
I really want them untrained.
Just post if you have one.
And please give me the details about it.
Thanks. :]



1 Mew LV30 (Nicknamed in japanese letters, got from a trade, NOT USED)
1 Charmander


Lugia (From XD, have NOT used at all)
Latias (From the Wild, have NOT used at all)
All 3 Lake Legendarys(Or whatever you call them, azelf ect...NOT been used)
All 3 Legendary birds (Zapdos has been used alittle, LV53, the rest have NOT)
All 3 Regis (Have NOT been used)
All 3 1st Gen Starters
All 3 2nd Gen Starters
All 3 3rd Gen Starters
All 3 4th Gen Starters
Rayquazza(Has NOT been used)
Kyogre(NOT USED)
Groudon(NOT been used at all)
Dialga(NOT been used)
Palkia(NOT been used)
Mewtwo (NOT been used)
Dittos(Every nature exept adament, I think...Just ask for the nature)

Items I HAVE

Master Ball(s)
Rare Candy(s)
RE: Looking for a PIKACHU with SURF.

I'll trade for mew, would you take a lv.100 Pikachu for it? It doesn't know surf thoe.
Let me know! check my player thread too if you need anything else (I also have lv.1 pikachus)
Yeah, I don't need any shinys right now.
I had like 10 shinys yesterday and traded most of them off for the things that I really had wanted.
I have everything else on your list. Exept in non shiny...lol.
Sorry bout that. :]