Friend Code: 0275-8705-4203
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone: EST
Times Available:
Services Offered:
I'm just looking for an adamant Scyther. Doesn't have good IV's seeing as how I'm fairly new to the competitive scene so I don't think I have a Pokemon good enough for that type of trade. Aside from legendaries. Noobie I know lol. BUt I'm having a super hard time breeding for one and just thought I'd check here. So if you can help I'd be in your debt haha. Thanks.
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone: EST
Times Available:
Services Offered:
I'm just looking for an adamant Scyther. Doesn't have good IV's seeing as how I'm fairly new to the competitive scene so I don't think I have a Pokemon good enough for that type of trade. Aside from legendaries. Noobie I know lol. BUt I'm having a super hard time breeding for one and just thought I'd check here. So if you can help I'd be in your debt haha. Thanks.