Looking for Card Ideas for Standard Water Deck

Sitting Tauros

Aspiring Trainer
I am planning on building a Water Deck for the 2016-2017 Standard Format and I was wondering if anybody could please give me some suggestions on what cards to use for my deck?
Moved from the Deck Garage to the TCG Help & Advice since the Deck Garage is for posting full 60-card decklists. ~bbninjas
Water Box and Primal Kyogre are the only ones I can think of. There's a few examples of these in the Deck Garage, so I suggest checking them out.

Water Box uses a variety of viable Pokemon to take control of a game. Some of these are Articuno AT (takes an extra prize and can sweep with a little luck), Glaceon EX (immunity from damage from Evolution Pokemon) and Regice (complete immunity form EXs). Primal Kyogre hits hard and can surprisingly set up quite fast. It just requires a little support with being able to consistently get those four Energy, but that's not too hard with Mega Turbo, Energy Retrieval and Letter. Not all of them are always used, but there's tons of ways to set it up so I wouldn't about that too much. One of the good things about both of them is that they can make use of Rough Seas, which heal 30 damage from every Water/Electric type in play and Manaphy EX, which gives free Retreat to every Pokemon with Water Energy attached.