Wi-Fi Trades Looking for mega stones


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 5043-1875-0631
In-game name(s): Jason
Looking for: Just looking for someone to trade me Metagrossite and Swampertite. Missed out of on the shiny Beldum and ended up using a Mudkip I had instead of the Treecko I chose. I can even return them later if someone would want them back or whatever.

Battle Format(s): Any/VGC/Singles/Doubles/Triples/OU/etc.


Special Services

You can buy the Swamperite post-game from a man sitting by the lake near the end of the bridge on route 114. This is a guide from Bulbapedia to what he says to help pick the right one: "Two out of five of his stones are the Mega Stones, while the remaining stones are expensive Hard Stones. Unlike the Hard Stones, the Mega Stones have elemental-themed titles, a lower price, and the phrase "beginner" in the Stone Seller's description. The Stone Seller will mention the phrase "Hard Stone" in the descriptions for the items that are Hard Stones." I didn't have any trouble picking, he says something about water and that's the Swamperite.

The Metagrossite you can win from Stephen after you fight him a second time after beating the Elite Four in the Pokemon League.

I hope this helps!
I already knew actually haha, but thanks. I'm trying to get it before that so I'd actually use the stuff. I've kind of put in on hold till then anyway since I've been pretty busy.