Friend Code: 5043-1875-0631
In-game name(s): Jason
Looking for: Just looking for someone to trade me Metagrossite and Swampertite. Missed out of on the shiny Beldum and ended up using a Mudkip I had instead of the Treecko I chose. I can even return them later if someone would want them back or whatever.
Battle Format(s): Any/VGC/Singles/Doubles/Triples/OU/etc.
Special Services
In-game name(s): Jason
Looking for: Just looking for someone to trade me Metagrossite and Swampertite. Missed out of on the shiny Beldum and ended up using a Mudkip I had instead of the Treecko I chose. I can even return them later if someone would want them back or whatever.
Battle Format(s): Any/VGC/Singles/Doubles/Triples/OU/etc.
Special Services