DPPt/HGSS Looking for Shiny Ralts Egg

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The Red Knight
Hello, I'm looking for a pokemon egg in particular:

A Shiny Ralts
Female outcome
preferably with either of the following egg moves.

Shadow Sneek (preferably)

Please bare in mind I don't have any extra event Pokemon to trade and I'd prefer this be LEGIT as possible.
I'm doing the foreign Pokemon breeding trick, but i'm already working my butt off with working on a Feebas, and don't have any spare time to work on a Ralts.

Please, if your willing to trade, please leave a message here and a list of Pokemon/Items your looking for and I'll see what I can do.
Thank You
Use this: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=53959 or just PM individual people. If you would like to expand your horizons with an array of different Pokemon wants/breeding, then making a thread would suffice.

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