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Looking for Some Advice about my TDK Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (10)
  • 1 Lugia Ex (PS)
  • 4 Deoxys Ex (PF)
  • 3 Thundurus Ex (PF)
  • 2 Kyurem (PF)
Trainers (36)
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 Scramble Switch/Computer Search
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Plasma Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Float Stone
  • 3 Switch
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Frozen City
Energy (14)
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 Plasma
  • 4 Blend (W/L/M/F)
  • 2 Double Colorless

Its a pretty basic plasma deck as you should be able to tell, but I was wondering if there was any changes I could make, I feel like there arent very many pokemon in the deck and I didnt draw into very many in testing.


Reformatted to match rules.~KA
Moved to the proper forum. Please update the thread to reflect the rules (main thing is too add a strategy).
Looks like a solid list.

Testing with 2 Thundurus/3 Kyurem is a good idea if you haven't already. It makes it easier to find a solid attacker and you really shouldn't be needing more than 2 Thundurus. I know some people like running 3T/2K, but it's worthwhile to try the other way as well.

I would also recommend switching out at least one Ultra Ball for a Plasma Ball. The thinning is nice, but I find too often that when I have an Ultra Ball, I'd just much rather not have to discard cards to get out a Kyurem or something.

You also might want to consider teching Silver Mirror for the mirror match - anything to give you an advantage in the mirror is exceedingly helpful.
I currently run a Keldeo with 2 Float Stones in my deck. It's gotten me out of a lot of situations, but it can be used to reset Kyurem and Blizzard Burn multiple turns in a row. My Pokemon list is:

3 Thundurus EX
4 Deoxys EX
3 Kyurem
1 Keldeo EX

I wouldn't necessarily recommend the 3rd Thundurus, but I've kept it around on personal preference.
I think you should run this

4 Deoxys
2 Thundurus
3 Kyurem
2 Keldeo

also try this

1-2 Switch
3 float stone

I think Float Stone helps more because you can use it on more than just Keldeo-EX. I think 3 Switch is a bit to heavy.

This is just my opinion.