Mega Scizor is a great disruptive deck. Discard energy with both its attack, Crushing Hammers, and Team Flare Grunt. Get rid of stadiums with either Iron Crusher, Delinquent, or Parallel City. This is good against Mega Rayquaza.
M Scizor is also one of the best anti - meta decks in the format. Get rid of M Mewtwos energy while only using two yourself, then survive attacks with resistance. Crush Mega Ray with the aforementioned stadium shenanigans. Destroy Gardevoir and Xerneas with their weaknesses.
The only issue for this deck is Volcanion, but I use Garbodor and two Hex Maniac to at least shut off the abilities so I can hopefully KO the regular Volcanions.
Overall, I really like this decks ability to disrupt and hit quickly for 120 damage, taking two hit KOs on a lot of things.