Looking to play some Unlimited on Redshark


Living Legend
I usually just play Modified on Redshark, but for whatever reason I've been toying with a new Unlimited deck I wanna try out just for some fun. If anyone is interested in playing me send me a PM or just respond on this thread. Or go to this network:

Network: UnlimitedFormat
Password: oldschool
i am joing but your password is oldschool
not Oldschool

Zangoosed said:
I usually just play Modified on Redshark, but for whatever reason I've been toying with a new Unlimited deck I wanna try out just for some fun. If anyone is interested in playing me send me a PM or just respond on this thread. Or go to this network:

Network: UnlimitedFormat
Password: Oldschool
yay! I would love to play unlimited with you! Just join my unlimited network. We dont want a billion little networks.

yay! I would love to play unlimited with you! Just join my unlimited network. We don't want a billion little networks.

Oh ok cool. Didnt realize someone else started an Unlimited network on here recently. I'll join your network. PM me on here or hamachi if youre ever looking for a game.