Ruling looooool stop it okay :P


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Ignore my previous announcement and obey that one.
Why can't we have threads locked by request if it helps stop spammers? I don't understand because if it can be locked after the thread is answered the thread should be locked if the person requests to have it locked. If someone requests just lock it.:)
WPM says it makes the forums look junky.

It's not a huge problem. Honestly, most people can't be bothered to search a few pages and will end up making their own thread anyway. If you see a thread that's getting majorly spammed in, let us know.

We just want to try to avoid all these truly unnecessary locks.
If the person requests an unlock all you guys have to do is unlock it. If the thread stays locked then it does stop spam to some extent. Actually if some one else wants to post in a thread say it was my Smash Bros thread and I already had it locked and someone wants to make a post then they can send a request to unlock the thread and then you would send me a PM telling me that there has been a request for the thread to be unlocked and if I say ok then the thread can be unlocked. If I don't say ok then the thread stays locked.:)
...or we could just do what WPM asks us to.
I thought it would be a good idea. Sorry. Could you suggest it to WPM and see what he says about that idea?:)
Well PMJ. You might want to redo your signature. Seems like it is a contradictory going on there.

The forums are gonna look more junky with unlocked spam threads rather than a bunch of locked ones =/
I would like the forum threads to be locked upon our request. I am not trying to sound bad but WPM should leave it the other way or these forums will get out of hand very quickly. I suggest the locking upon request stay in the forum for obvious reasons.:)