Wi-Fi Trades losr18's My Player Thread


Welcome to losr18's Super Special Awesome Player Thread!


My Friend Code: Val 4897 3271 0599
Contact Time: Weekdays 3-7 PM. Sunday and Saturday 12-9 PM. Pacific Time


1. No Hacked Pokemon for my Pokemon that are not hacked. All my Pokemon, unless said, are legit to my knowladge. Most will be cloned.
2. PM me only when we have a trade set up. PM'ing me offers will result in being ignored.
3. Pokemon are not distibutable unless given OK from me.
4. Have Fun

Mewtwo Level 100
Impish 353/268/216/307/231/303
Psychic/Shadow Ball/Aura Sphere/Recover
I got this off GTS. Not asking for a lot since it isn't very good.

Articuno Level 70
Lonely 215/147/145/145/186/140
Agility/Mind Reader/Ice Beam/Reflect
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched.

Zapdos Level 70
Naive 224/140/125/198/127/163
Agility/Detect/Drill Peck/Charge
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched.

Moltres Level 70
Naughty 207/167/152/184/115/134
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched.

Mew Level 10
Serious 42/27/25/27/25/25
Toys R Us Giveaway September 30, 2006. Untouched

Raikou Level 72
Modest 135/114/202/166/185
Crunch/Spark/Thunder/Quick Attack
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched by me.

Entei Level 74
Lax 274/189/161/140/113/175
Fire Spin/Stomp/Flamethrower/Fire Blast
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched by me.

Suicune level 76
Modest 243/137/201/161/197/160
Aurora Beam/Hydro Pump/Mirror Coat/Rain Dance
10th Aniversary Edition. Untoched by me.

Lugia Level 70
Timid 240/129/187/144/225/192
Recover/Hydro Pump/Rain Dance/Swift
Got in a trade. If hacked, it was not by me, but I was told it is not.

Ho-oh Level 100
Brave 327/326/224/273/362/207
Thunderbolt/Sacred Fire/Calm Mind
Got in a trade. If hacked, it was not by me. Unknown if hacked by trader as he got it from GTS.

Celebi Level 73
Naive 295/156/163/215/140/168
Ancient Power/Giga Drain/Baton Pass/Future Sight
10 Aniversary Edition. Untoched by me.

Regirock Level 40
Hasty 123/87/150/52/87/57
Rock Throw/Curse/Superpower/Ancient Power
Caught by me. Untouched

Regice Level 40
Naughty 122/49/95/88/151/49
Icy Wind/Curse/Superpower/Ancient Power
Caught by me. Untouched

Registeel Level 40
Naughty 118/78/135/74/120/48
Metal Claw/Curse/Superpower/Ancient Power
Caught by me. Untouched

Latios Level 40
Timid 121/71/79/114/98/113
Protect/Refresh/Luster Purge/Psychic
Caught by me. Untoched.
Latios Level 70
Unknown info since I have not migrated yet. 10 Aniversary Edition. Info soon.

Groundon Level 70
Lonely 227/256/198/148/131/145
Fire Blast/Rest/Fissure/Solar Beam
Caught by me. Untouched.

Rayquaza Level 70
Calm 242/196/136/236/146/145
Rest/Extreme Speed/Outrage
Caught by me. Untouched

Jirachi Level 5
Relaxed 25/15/17/16/16/13
From Pokemon Stadium 3 demo. (I know its not called that, but I do) Untouched.

Deoxys Level 75 Normal Form
Rash 161/293/89/311/77/254
Rock Tomb/Recover/Psycho Boost/Psychic
From Space Center. Untouched by me.

Phione Level 1
Any Nature Wanted.
Bubble/Water Sport/Water Pulse
Ask for the nature, and I will get it. I can get good IVs, but it will cost you a little something (nothing big, just some random item will do, but I have to confirm)

I have, many, many more Pokemon, this is just the list I have right now. I update constantly, so check back when I get more Pokemon and migrate.



Mewtwo Level 100
Modest 354/230/216/447/216/359
Psychic/Ice Beam/Calm Mind/Recover
This is Hacked. I will take very little value for this.


Ho-oh Level 100
Modest 354/266/216/350/344/279
Sacred Fire/Thunderbolt/Calm Mind/Recover
This is Hacked. I will take very little value for this.


Groudon Level 100
Adamant 355/438/316/212/216/266
Rock Slide/Earthquake/Substitute/Swords Dance
This is Hacked. I will take very little value for this.


Banette Level 37
Gentle 102/101/55/77/62/61
Shadow Ball/Night Shade/Curse/Sucker Punch
Yes, my only not hacked shiny. First shiny ever. Since it's my first shiny ever, I will only trade if neccasary.



Ditto Relaxed Good IVs (High Need)

Good IV Pokemon
EV Pokemon








I will check IVs if asked since I did not post them because it would take along time.
light manaphy said:
do you have good natured pokemon?

Actually, Im not sure. I never really paid attention to Natures, EV and stuff, I just try to get as many Pokemon as possible. Battling just isnt my thing because I hate losing at anything, but every so often I battle for fun. but if you have a Pokemon in mind, I can see what nature it is and tell you.

Espeon101 said:
i will trade u something 4 the latias and latios

Sure, what Pokémon do you think would be good for them that you have?
golem 1996 what other shinnings do u have because i have mew to
losr i have a lv 100 lugia
Espeon101 said:
what will u want 4 the latias and latios?

Well, my most wanted are the legendaries I listed, and I like all shinies. EV trained Pokemon I will trade almost anything for, but most ppl dont want to do that. And all have to be legit.

But do you have any of the Johto staters? I really want those.

and will you do Lugia for Latios or Latias?

ad golem, that sounds pretty cool.
golem1996 said:
OK. so is that a yes? If so, my FC is 1976-6662-1927

Sure, why not? Ill kill two birds with one stone by getting a shiny, and getting something I hadnt sent over from Emerald yet. what level Mew do you want? 35 or 10?
Okay, Ill send it over from Emerald real quick. along with Latias and Latios. What is your name for your game?

And Espeon, Im still thinking, but ill get to you quickly.
Im sending over my Mew, Latios, and Latias right now, and Ill check if I have that TM, if not anything else?