Writing Lost Memories


Military dogs are the most loyal breed.
Here is a Naruto Fic I'm working on, I hope you like it^.^


‘ I will have him in just one more move.’ I thought to myself, grateful that my friend had taught me the true beauty of Taijutsu. Swinging my foot around, I placed myself in the ideal position.

‘Thank god, Gai helped me learn more about this art.’ I had been good at Taijutsu before, but I knew I had to get better before sparing with my friend, and now he has yet to beat me in an equal match. He gave me reason to learn it.

My opponent was closing in fast. I decided to put my strategy into action. Lunging foreword I quickly changed direction flipping backward just in time to kick my opponent in the face. But something happened. My feet didn’t make contact with their target, instead I fell face first into the ground. The unmatchable sound of snapping bone filled my ears as I tried to brace my fall with my arms. A sharp pain stabbed into the back of my head and a fiery pain spread slowly though my body.

I faded to darkness.

