Lost Remover!?!?

Do you think Lost Remover is a good card?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 35.7%

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Lost Remover is a really awesome card, however, I don't feel that it is going to do well in this format. The amount of Special Energy played has significantly dropped. Rescue is only played in a very small amount of Yanmega Variants, unlike last format, which was extremely Gyarados heavy. The only deck that I can think of that is meta that utilizes DCE is Donphan Dragons; and I don't even think I have ran into anything play Special Dark or Metal. Rainbow is fairly played, but a deck can usually do without it , so discarding it won't slow them down too much. I still like it as a card, maybe if we ever have a CoL on format (which is very possible IMO) it will see more play, but the only effective use that I can currently think of right now is maybe a one card tech in a deck running a set of Junk Arm.
You're probably better off with Crushing Hammer + Junk Arm, at least Junk Arm makes your odds of discarding an energy more than a 50% chance at least. Not saying it's great, just something to think about I guess.
Its one of those 61st cards, it's a nice addition but it ends up being a dead draw against Tyram, Donphan, and Yanmega which together take up pretty much the entire format. Frankly, while its handy, it just doesn't help as much as some other cards that give speed or consistency. I mean if it boils down to a catcher or a lost remover, who's gonna play the lost remover? Not many people.
Lost Remover has great potential....but not right now.

Not enough decks rely on special energy for it to be worth that crucial spot in a deck. Maybe later on in the format, but not right now.
No decks in the meta use special energy exclusively. There's really just no need to run Lost Remover. Sure, you have your Zoroark/DCE, but that's most often a play in Stage 1s, where Donphan and Yanmega are perfectly capable of attacking, or rarely in TyRam, where it's not even a focus of the deck (and besides, Zoroark doesn't really cause anything too much grief). Apart from that, it can of course get rid of Rescue Energy (not that it's that common or necessary) and the odd Cinccino here or there, but there's just not enough use for it to be a good card. It's best to just increase your own consistency with PONT, Cheren, Copycat, etc.
I use this card right, i use 4 crush hammer and 4 lost remover and it works wonders for me, i had games where i beet my oponent with just a cinccino, i made them have a energy drought the whole game.
To me this cards looks cool, but right now, it just doesn't have a lot of potential. Most decks are running basic energy and the only special energy you probably will run into is rainbow and DCE, which people run for cards that they can, for the most part, live without.
Lost Remover saw a fair amount of play at worlds especially in Reshiram - a lot of the Canadians played it and a few other randoms but none of them made top 16 so that should answer your question for you - if you have extra room and you deck is consistent, most certainly consider it - but in a format where you're either playing Vileplume or 10 draw supporters, you'll rarely have any room for it anyway. There's almost always a better card to put in, Crush Hammer usually not included.
I think its worth adding 1 in decks where you have the room, but as others have said, its not run in a lot of the top decks. Most of the attackers that use DCE use DCE only, and have low HP anyway, so its just about as easy just to knock it out. As opposed to previous formats where tanking stage 2's relied on it.
Lost Remover is, in my opinion, the most underrated card in this format. It's a great card, yet almost never used. However I admit myself that I can't seem to make room for it in my decks. :p
Where this card really shines is my MewGar deck, because I am never putting any pressure on the active pokemon. It really helps my deck survive longer to win by Lost World. I run 2 in my deck.