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Lost World/Counter World (Gengar Any Tourny)


Ludicolo Is Firin' His Lazer!
Basic Skeleton

4-3-4 Gengar Prime (Obvious Reason)
2-2 Giritina LvX (Getting more into lost zone)
2 Absol Prime (Good Power)
2-2-2 Flygon or 2-2 Glalie (For Discarding opponents Lost World and more damage, Flygon for Treat.)
2-2 Darkrai Cresselia LEGEND (Good attacks. Matches energies in deck.)

=23/27 Pokemon Eughh.

Lost World x4
BTS x2
Bebes Search x3
Collecter x3
Legend Box x2

=14 Trainer

Psychic Energy x12
Sp. Dark Energy x4
Dark Energy x2

Total Energy=18

Please Help Fix and Comment :)
Flygon and Glalie doesn't work.
Since on the turn your opponent plays Lost World he/she can already declare victory.
You also play 4-3-4 Gengar without running any rare candy.
Also normal Lostgar cleary outspeeds this deck and kills it.
-2-2 DCL
-2-2-2 FLygon
-2 Legend Box
-2 Darkness
-2 Psychic
+4 Rare Candy
+4 Twins
+4 Seeker
+1/2 Uxie
+3/2 Pokemon Communication
Oopz forgot the Rare candy, Lost world thing is true, but what if they play it early? Oh ive never made Lostgar so yeah ill edit this :S
Why should they?
Then the opponent is aware of it and wil do anything to counter it.
The only reason why they should play it early if they see a Dialgachomp.
Oh yeah.. Lol, thanks for the help. But what if they do lool. anyway i can keep a 1-1-1 of flygon :S
I dunno I'd plan to lay one down before I bench Uxie to get an extra card. It's not like your opponent would be surprised to see the stadium if you're running Gengar and stuff.

The only problem is that most LostGar decks will run at least 3 of the stadiums. Even if you take that one out they usually run 3-4 Twins too so they can get the stadium if and when they want it.