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Lost World Deck (Multiple Pokemon) `-` ~ Seniors, Any ~ `-`


( ゚∀゚)☞ !Stop You Criminal Scum! ( ゚∀゚)☞
Pokemon: 20

4 Mime Jr. CL
2-2 Palkia G Lv.X
4-4-4 Gengar Prime

T/S/S: 24

4 Lost World
4 Bebe’s Search
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Defender
2 Seeker
2 Broken Time-Space
2 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Communication

Energy: 15

6 Water
7 Psychic
3 Double Colorless

Strategy: Get 6 Pokemon in the Lost Zone and choose to win. Defender is for helping out Mime Jr. Simple strategy is awesome.

Any card that gets out Stadiums from the Deck?

Comments are enjoyed.
-2 Zangoose.
-1 Palkia G X.
-2 Haunter.
-1 Lost world
-2 Energy exchanger.

That's 8 free slots, which I'd go with a 2-2 Slowking HS.
You can look at their top 4 cards then re arrange them, so you can guarantee Mime Jr sending them into the lost zone. Chatot G is also useful.
Add in 2 Rare Candy's and 2 BTS.
Should help with Gengar.
-2 Water
for +2 Psychic.

-2 Vs Seeker for 2 Pokemon Communication
and -3 Defender for
+1 Seeker
+1 Chatot G
and + 1 Palmer's.

You could probably safely take out the water energies (Or just all the DCE) and add in 2 Uxie, 1 Azelf
I can't take out PGX or Haunter, or Lost World.

Don't like Slowking HGSS.

Candy and BTS are good though.
DOn't like Slowking? o_O would be really useful strategy wise. Could choose to lostzone an important trainer, or Pokemon.
Try using Mr.Mime, instead of (or with) Mime Jr.

"Why?" you ask, well it's because he lets you look at your opponent's hand, and it combos well with Gengar Prime's second attack, which let's you put x many Pokemon into the Lost Zone, and with Mr.Mime, you know whether to use the attack or not, and if you need to attach more energy before doing so!

- Good luck!, I'm thinking of building a similar deck!
I agree with deppcr0w, Slowking will help a lot in this deck because you're using Mime Jr. for sending pokemon to the lost zone too (I used Mime Jr. for a Lost World based deck, so that's why I recommend it).

Also, I've seen a lot of this decks, and they run 3 Lost Worlds, not 4. But well, that's an opinion.

By the way, you're not using Seekers??? I mean, you can send to the lost zone the pokemon that your opponent took with Gengar (attach 3 energies to send stage 2 pokemon). You can combo it with Palkia G Lv. X, you can send a lot of pokemon to the lost zone in 1 turn.

...and those are my opinions.
No Rescue Energy? *Slaps with a fish*

-2 Defender (Not needed, In my opinion)
-2 Water Energy
-1 Bebe's Search (3 Bebe's, 2 Communications)
-1 Double Colorless Energy

+3 Rescue Energy
+1 Jirachi (Energy Recovery [Poke Power plus Seeker])
+2 Palmers Contribution

You've got to keep the Psychic energy ready to use, that's the main point of this deck. Plus, Rescue Energy helps so much. I'd also suggest finding room for a 2-2 Slowking HGSS/CoL and some more Seeker.