Pokemon (22)
4-4 Lucario CoL
3-3 Gyarados HGSS/CoL
4 Relicanth CoL
2 Mew Prime
2 Absol Prime
Trainers/Supporters (26)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 Switch
3 Energy Exchanger
3 Twins
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
Energies (12)
4 Double Colorless
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Rescue Energy
Deck Total: 60
Credit goes to Josh Bangle for the deck concept, this deck was severely underrated due to the popularity of LostGar in MD-On but now it has diminished as MewGar is this deck's only biggest threat.
As for the main strategy you basically send your own Pokemon to the Lost Zone with Relicanth's Prehistoric Wisdom attack, let it get KO'ed, and rush with Twins. Gyarados is a great line of defense in this deck as it can help counter Reshiram, Emboar (Ability), Donphan Prime, Krookodile, and other threats.
Lucario is of course in the deck for Dimension Sphere which does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each of my Pokemon in the Lost Zone for a DCE and just for the lulls I could probably throw in Lost World as a win-con but I'm not sure If it's worth it. Comments, suggestions, and advice are greatly appreciated!
4-4 Lucario CoL
3-3 Gyarados HGSS/CoL
4 Relicanth CoL
2 Mew Prime
2 Absol Prime
Trainers/Supporters (26)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 Switch
3 Energy Exchanger
3 Twins
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
Energies (12)
4 Double Colorless
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Rescue Energy
Deck Total: 60
Credit goes to Josh Bangle for the deck concept, this deck was severely underrated due to the popularity of LostGar in MD-On but now it has diminished as MewGar is this deck's only biggest threat.
As for the main strategy you basically send your own Pokemon to the Lost Zone with Relicanth's Prehistoric Wisdom attack, let it get KO'ed, and rush with Twins. Gyarados is a great line of defense in this deck as it can help counter Reshiram, Emboar (Ability), Donphan Prime, Krookodile, and other threats.
Lucario is of course in the deck for Dimension Sphere which does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each of my Pokemon in the Lost Zone for a DCE and just for the lulls I could probably throw in Lost World as a win-con but I'm not sure If it's worth it. Comments, suggestions, and advice are greatly appreciated!