lost zone?

The Lost Zone is like a Discard Pile, but it is located above your prize cards on the field, and there is no method of recovering cards from the Lost Zone. Currently only 3 cards can send other cards to the Lost Zone.
The Fallen One said:
The Lost Zone is like a Discard Pile, but it is located above your prize cards on the field, and there is no method of recovering cards from the Lost Zone. Currently only 3 cards can send other cards to the Lost Zone.

3 english cards, some cards from the new japanese set also can, looks like it's going to be a new game mechanic.

Kingdra King said:
which ones?

giratina X PT
dialge G X PT
palkia G X PT
also giratina broken space blow

i dont think u will be able to get cards back from the lost zone its like their not in play but still their and still yours but u cant play them anymore also for clearing up the lost zone is by your prizes and discard is under the deck
If anyone here ever played Yu-Gi-Oh, think of the Lost Zone as "removed from play" and the discard pile as "graveyard" except so far, no card can recover cards from the Lost Zone.
Which is why I feel it's slightly different from Yu-Gi-Oh!'s "removed from play." That, and "removed from play" seems to be an extension of the Graveyard. I see a lot of stuff involving moving cards from the Graveyard to "removed."

Nevertheless, it felt a lot like that mechanic when I first heard about the Lost Zone. They got a lot more in common than they're different.

I'm almost certain they'll eventually make a card that can bring stuff back from the Lost Zone but that they'll have more penalties than bringing stuff back from the discard pile...like a Supporter that can bring a single card back.
No, I don't think so. What would be the point then? Adding another discard pile? I think that once something goes in the Lost Zone, it stays in the Lost Zone. Maybe SOME card might be able to be put in the Lost Zone in exchange for something in the the Lost Zone, but it would probably be something good, like maybe a new Giratina? who knows, but I think that cards in the Lost Zone are supposed to stay Lost.
Yeah, the Lost Zone also seems to be like the Reverse World in the tcg, since Giratina cards tend to involve the Lost Zone.
Their will be a way I think. Hippowdown lvl X returns all card on the field to the deck, besides Supporters and Pokemon.
Lost zone is just a way to permanently remove cards from play. (In current format).
I'll throw in the possiblilty that if they release a Arcues in TCG that maybe it will be the one that can get cards back from the Lost Zone... :3
Prof.Shinx,that would be broken.But cool.I do believe that there will be a supporter that can get any card from the lost zone.