Ruling Lost Zone?


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone,

I'm quite new to the game, and I have a question about the Lost Zone.

From what I've gathered (From reading here and other sites) is that when you put a card in the lost zone - you can't get it back, ever, unlike the discard pile with trainers etc - and here is my question.

Can you put as many cards in the Lost Zone as you like per game? I think I read somewhere that if you put 6 or more - your opponent can choose the win the game automaticlly? Or am I wrong on this point?


So there is no limit to the number of cards that go to the lost zone, but you have to have a special card in order to put something there. Mew prime, Absol Prime, Palkia G X, ect. The rule that you are referring is probably this card.
