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Lostgar counter


Aspiring Trainer
Only used after sept 1. (hgss cards on)

2-2 weavile ud
2-2 umbreon ud
2(1?)mr mime
2-2 slowking ud
2 ditto tm
2 mew prime
3(4?) mime jr


lost world x2 (4?)
seeker x4
pokemon comm x 4
pont x2(3-4?)
junk arm x4
3 pokemon collector
2 energy exchanger
4 pokemon reversal
2 sages training
2 poffesor elms training method

4x special dark
4x rescue energy
4 psychic energy
2 dark energy

Idea: weavile to discard cards from their hand multiple times with seeker. umbreon to counter gengar with his weakness. mr mimr to look at his hand, although it can be removed or put down to 1 due to the fact that they will most likely be playing it. dittos to limit bench space and put more pokemon in there hands. slowking to make sure they draw pokemon. mime jr to lostzone pokemon with slowking. mew prime for when gengar prime is lost zoned(either player could do this)

lost worlds to win. or prizes can be drawn with umbreon. . seekers for weavile. junk arm to discard pokemon when nessasary.energy exchange to get psychic energy or special energy. pokemon reversal to bring out pokemon to ohko. sages training to also discard pokemon

any other suggestion? remember, only hgss on
You don't need an entire deck just to counter one deck, because it would be easily beaten by any other deck (in most cases). Also, anything with a 70+ damage an 2HKO Gengar, and since LostGar can't recover easily (unless the use Mew), you should pull off a win. Secondly, Mr. Mime helps a LostGar player because they then know whats in your hand. Lastly, this goes in the deck area.
Since this deck is at least 50 cards, I'll be moving this thread to the Deck Garage forum.
