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Lostgar (Gengar Prime, Palkia G, Mr. Mime CoL)


So....who likes shirts?
I was fond of this deck ever since I heard about it, so here's my shot at it.

Pokemon (21):
4-3-3 Gengar (2 prime, 1 SF)
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Unown Q
2-1 Uxie LV. X
1-1 Slowking HGSS
1 Mr. Mime CoL
1 Azelf LA

T/S/S (27):
3 Bebe's Search
1 Interviewer's Questions
2 Lost World
1 Palmer's Contribution
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Rare Candy
3 Seeker
3 Twins
2 VS Seeker

Energy (12):
9 {P}
3 Rescue

Strategy: Start with Tomb and evolve into Gengar SF or Prime and get out Mr. Mime to make sure hurl into darkness works. Slowking is for disruption so you can keep those 4 trainers in their hand for Gengar SF or let them draw a useless pokemon for you to Hurl into Darkness.
RE: Lostgar (G-gar & Mew Prime, Palkia G, Spiritomb)-->Honchkrow SV???

Only 2 Sableye? I'd say take those out for one Mew. Then take out a Palkia and a Lost World.

3 Empty slots.
Take out 2 Warp Point (You have Warp Energy. Either that or take out Warp Energy)
5 Empty Slots.
Enough for a 1-1 Honchkrow SV
1 Mesprit for power-locking
and 2 free slots.
Maybe for another Looker's and another Gastly.

So then you're strategy is to start with Mew, send Gengar Prime to the lost zone, and start hurling into darkness from that point on.
Mesprit to lock powers, and Palkia for being Palkia. Etc etc.

Even if you don't take the advice, I hope I got them gears turning.
RE: Lostgar (G-gar & Mew Prime, Palkia G, Spiritomb)-->Honchkrow SV???

I only ran 2 Sableye because I didn't want the bench to be cluttered, but now that I think of it it's necessary to have 3 for a good start. I don't think Ill need another Gastly as I an just use collector's or use Mew Prime for Gengar's attacks while I set up Gengar on the bench.

Thanks for the advice. *UPDATED*
RE: Lostgar (G-gar & Mew Prime, Palkia G, Spiritomb)-->Honchkrow SV???

Updated! Took out Mew since I could hardly ever get it set up fast enough to be efficient.
RE: Lostgar (G-gar & Mew Prime, Palkia G, Spiritomb)-->Honchkrow SV???

Where are your Twins?
Lostgar is made to NOT take prizes meaning that you can use Twins ALOT.
-2 E-gain
-1 Honchkrow G
-4 Rainbow NRG
+4 Twins
+1 or 2 Mr.mime COL
+1 Spiritomb TM
Also i think you shoud change the title :p
RE: Lostgar (G-gar & Mew Prime, Palkia G, Spiritomb)-->Honchkrow SV???

lol yeah the title :p. Spiritomb doesn't work for me in this deck and Honchkrow G delivers the win by fetching Lost World. I used the E-gain and Rainbow Energy for Palkia to use Splashing Turn to get back on the bench once i got PGX out or for Gengar. However, I think Warp Points will be just as efficient if not more.

Man, I can't BELIEVE I didn't think of using Twins. I rely mostly on Seekers and VS Seekers to pick up Uxie and for Hurl into Darkness. It's definitely good for setting up.

Have you tried this deck yet? How's the Sableye work in it?

I've been practicing with my version of this deck, and I kept feeling I needed to switch Palkia out but I just decided against it. It's actually better just to keep Gengar or something with an free retreat (Unown Q helpful there) active. Wait until the Palkia would net you at least 6 in the lost zone, then switch it into active, level it up, and win on that turn. It's best to keep Palkia back until you really need it. Only problem is when you only have Palkia for a start, lol.

You probably only need 1 Mr. Mime. It's so easy to search out, I wouldn't worry about it. If it's in your prizes then just use Azelf. Theoretically you could have 2 on your bench for looking at their hand after you refresh it but I don't think that's worth the room on the bench and a card in your deck.

Looker's investigation is amazing in this deck. I'm running 2 and I'm considering running 3.

I'd probably drop the Honchkrow. I have played a good number of rounds and only 1 time did I not have the Lost World card by the time I had 6 in my opponent's lost zone. Even on that time, I just searched it out next turn with a Twins and won. The attack spent searching it out and the space in the deck isn't worth it.

4 Rare Candies might be excessive. I'd try only using 3 and see how that works for you.

Is the Lost Remover that good? It seemed too situational for me to justify it's use in my deck, space was really tight in my deck.

In summary...
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Honchkrow
-1 Mr. Mime
-2 Lost Remover

+1 Lost World
+1 Looker's Investigation
+3 Twins

give this a try.... and be sure to try out the Lost Remover before you consider dropping it too, of course. I'd also strongly consider putting the Spiritomb TR in here too. only one is needed, it's easy to search.
I have some suggestions:

-2 Spiritomb AR (This deck has to be speedy, not slow)
-1 Unown Q MD (One is enough, because you can Seeker the Pokémon that has Q)
-2 Mr. Mime Jr. (This card isn't that good)
-1 Crobat G (This deck is for lostZoneing without attacking)
-1 Uxie L.X (It's not needed with Twins)
-1 Bebe's Search (Again, this deck HAS to be speedy)
-1 Interviwer's Questions (It's not needed)
-1 Rare Candy (3 are enough)
-3 Rescue Energy (If your deck is speedy you won't need them)
-1 Gengar SF (3 primes are better)
-2 VS Seeker (I isn't needed)
-1 Gastly

+2 Gengar (1 prime and 1 L.X)
+1 Pokémon Communication (Speed)
+1 Lost World (2 is better in case you have bad luck an one is prized)
+4 Twins (This card is a MUST in any Lostgar deck)
+1-1 Honchkrow SV (It helps PGX Poképower to work and it's a Lostgar counter)
+1-1 PGX (Play this card only in the turn you are going to win with his pokepower)
+2 Dark Energy
+3 Smeargle UD (Better starter in Lostgar than Spiritomb and Sableye because you use 2 Supporters per turn, you don't have to attack with it and you see your opponent's hand, it's just perfect)

So, that's all. Hope I helped!
Do not take out Uxie Lv. X. This deck needs all the speed it can get to go against other top tier decks, and Uxie Lv. X is one of the best speed engines in the format right now.