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Lostgar Help


Aspiring Trainer
with the upcomming release of hs-triumphant, i want to prepare for a lost-gar deck. i just started with hgss so i am not too familiar with previous set cards and engines.
currently i was thinking of

4-3-4 gengar prime(1 lv.x)
4 mew primes

4 rescue energy
10 psychich energies

T/S/S: 31
4 hunter
3 twins
2 lost world
4 pokeball
2 moo-moo milk
3 poke comm
4 rare candies
4 prof oak
3 prof elms
4 flowershop lady

again, basic strat is to start with mew and send gengar prime to the lost zone.
then start using darkness plunge with mew while i set up my other gengar prime and lv.x

however, i had tested the deck and it runs slowly.
please help me to make the faster, and more consistent since i only have 2 gengar primes available for use. (1 gengar prime goes to lost zone, 1 gengar is lv.x)
i think youv got the pretty standard line up here for what everyone is preparing.
but of course everyone else is using azelfs and uxies.
if you dont have them then some falkners philosophies would be extremely usefull, as thats the one thing i think is missing from here draw power.
obviously with this few pokemon draw power isnt a necesity searching cards are more important. but 1 or 2 really help a treat

one thing though
you wrote

4-3-4 gengar prime (1 lvl x) that confused me to begin with until i saw your description at the very bottom
when doing a line with lvl x's just treat is as another line
4-3-3-1 like so. saves some confusion.

also with only 3 gengars maybe having 4 ghastly isnt necesarry though some people find it more consistant
alright. thanks. ill try some falkners and maybe try to get a uxies.
how much are they now a days? i know evveryone usees uxies
never checked but i know there a fair bit, i only own 1. and have 13 decks so its tough for me to choose what to put it in.