Mew Prime x4
Gengar Prime x4
Haunter Tr x2
Gastly x4
Magnezone Prime x2
Magneton Tr x1
Magnemite Tr x2
Spiritomb Tr x2
Seeker x3
Twins x4
Pokemon Collector x3
Professor Elms x3
Flowershop Lady x1
Rare Candy x4
Pokemon Communication x4
Switch x1
Alph Litograph 4 (look at your prizes) x1
Lostworld x3
Psychic x8
Rainbow x4
total: 12
Reasons behind [some] cards
Mew Prime: Mew works as my lead, as well as a good lost zoner if I can't get a gengar up right away. Can also abuse rainbow energy to do damage with low energy opponents attacks to set up gengar for KOs
Gengar Prime: I run 4 so I can lost zone 1 and essentially have a 3-2-3 line
Magnezone: Draw Power and can put some damage on big stages 2s so that Gengar can KO. Switch is for him too.
Spiritomb: Make opponents draw pokemon and disrupt
Mr. Mime: See opponents hand, relieve stress.
Rainbow Energy: Fuel Magnezone without hurting energy for gengar. Also lets mew do some cool stuff in a pinch.
Any imput would be greatly appreciated. Right now, with limited testing, I have felt that the energy is maybe a little light and occasionally hitting lost world late game can be hard but deck is overall keeping up with/beating other HGSS on decks it has played
Mew Prime x4
Gengar Prime x4
Haunter Tr x2
Gastly x4
Magnezone Prime x2
Magneton Tr x1
Magnemite Tr x2
Spiritomb Tr x2
Seeker x3
Twins x4
Pokemon Collector x3
Professor Elms x3
Flowershop Lady x1
Rare Candy x4
Pokemon Communication x4
Switch x1
Alph Litograph 4 (look at your prizes) x1
Lostworld x3
Psychic x8
Rainbow x4
total: 12
Reasons behind [some] cards
Mew Prime: Mew works as my lead, as well as a good lost zoner if I can't get a gengar up right away. Can also abuse rainbow energy to do damage with low energy opponents attacks to set up gengar for KOs
Gengar Prime: I run 4 so I can lost zone 1 and essentially have a 3-2-3 line
Magnezone: Draw Power and can put some damage on big stages 2s so that Gengar can KO. Switch is for him too.
Spiritomb: Make opponents draw pokemon and disrupt
Mr. Mime: See opponents hand, relieve stress.
Rainbow Energy: Fuel Magnezone without hurting energy for gengar. Also lets mew do some cool stuff in a pinch.
Any imput would be greatly appreciated. Right now, with limited testing, I have felt that the energy is maybe a little light and occasionally hitting lost world late game can be hard but deck is overall keeping up with/beating other HGSS on decks it has played