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LostGar (States,Masters)


Aspiring Trainer
With LostGar I have two decks ideas one is using a speedy version the other is a slower but trainer locking one. Help me decide which one to use and if I should change one up.Also both of these decks are trying to win by putting 6 pokemon in the lost zone.

Speedy Version
20 Pokemon
4-3-3-1 Gengar Prime - lvl x
1-1 Palkia G lv x
2 Uxie
1 Regice
1 Unown Q
1 Mr.mime COL
2 Spiritomb TM

27 T/S/S
3 Lost world
4 Seeker
3 Rare Candy
3 Super Scoop Up / Pont (not sure which one)
4 Looker
4 Bebe
1 Palmer Cont.
2 Warp Point

13 Energy
9 Psychic
4 Rescue

With this deck you use rare candy and BTS to set up gengar quick. Regice is used to get rid of spiritomb AR starts. Mr.mime to look at their hand. The super scoop up is used to heal gengar but I am not sure if I should use PONT instead. Warp point combined with seeker at the right time is a very good combo. The Palkia is for the last two or one pokemon to the lost zone.

Sort of Trainer Lock
22 Pokemon
4 Spiritomb AR
4-3-3-1 Gengar Prime - x
2 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Mr.mime COL
1 Azelf
1-1 Palkia G lvl x

25 T/S/S
3 Lost World
4 Seeker
4 Looker
4 Bebe
1 Palmer
3 Pokemon Collector

13 Energy
9 Psychic
4 Rescue

With this deck you lock up trainers with spirtomb and start setting up Gengar.I use no energies so I am never stuck with dead draw in the start of the match. Palkia once again is used for putting the last two pokemon in the lost zone. Mr.mime to look at their hand.
The one thing that I see right off the bat is that a SF gengar is actually getter than the Lv X in case you cant get pokes to his hand.
Deff. go with the speedy option. Other decks play around the trainer locking better than LostGar can and you want to start LZing pokemon as fast as you possibly can. Your deck plans seem pretty solid for being your first attempt at it, it's much better than mine was! XD

Also, I wouldn't run any other Gengars. If you spend your time trying to KO pokemon rather than LZ them, you're bound to be out-paced by your opponent. Not to mention that if you aren't behind in prizes then you can't play Twins, which REALLY slows down your progress.

Actually the Regice isn't a bad idea. I often want to discard some dead draws from my hand (and to discard pokemon against a mirror), so I might look into getting one of those and trying it out. My only concern is that it would take up the valuable and very limited bench space in this deck.

I don't think you should be needing to use Super Scoop up in this deck... Seekers will get pokemon in your hand again if you want them, and you don't have to flip for them. Also, it puts Hurl fodder back into their hand, Seeker's a much better choice.

You shouldn't need Warp Point in this deck. Most pokemon either have free retreat or can get it from Unown Q.

Looker's is really nice, but... Spiritomb is the better option honestly. It forces them to draw more cards (your opponent gets to choose the number of cards they draw, and they likely won't want to draw all 5 cards). It does allow you the option to refresh your hand too, so I still run a few for their versatility.

You shouldn't need 4 Bebe's search... Pokemon Communication and Twins will fill the role of Bebe's search much better.

Now for things that I think should be added...

Add Twins. It's a staple in this deck. I run 3 but depending on your metagame and everything running 4 could work too, so maybe play around with those numbers a bit...

Pokemon Communication is a brilliant card provided you aren't being trainer locked. It's important to have a good number of trainers just for the speed of it.

Pokemon Collector is brilliant to have and play on your first turn. It usually allows you to have a complete set-up. With the regice, you can clear those other ones you draw later on from your hand too.

-2 Warp Point
-3 Super Scoop up
-2 Looker's
-2 Bebe's Search

+3 Twins
+3 Pokemon Communication
+3 Pokemon Collector
I agree with that scary ghost up there^

but i think you should either take out a bts or a LZ for VS Seeker to re-use a Seeker, since i feel seeker is pretty important in this deck to make sure they got a pokeman.
I agree with HorribleGhost and Avacado. ;) I think you shoud use Twins insted of Warp Point becuase you dont try to take Prize Cards.
Okay thanks guys.

Also so should I take out the x for another Prime? Also how should I keep reusing spiritomb since its power only activates when you put him on the bench?
You should run 4 Seeker. Then you can use Seeker to make them have a Pokemon, then next turn play the Spiritomb TR back down again and probably get a Pokemon.
Well like I said it's good to discard fluff from your hand to get more cards from Uxie or something.

I wouldn't drop the Lv. X. It's pretty good against Lv. X decks. Hopefully, with the Twins and Rare Candies and Rescue Energies and everything, you should be able to always be able to have a Gengar active to attack every turn, provided you get the right cards and can go through your deck. Best case scenario is that you have a Gengar with a Rescue Energy on it when it gets KO'd, and a Rare Candy or BTS in your hand (or on the field for BTS) and you can get it active again. As I said, Twins does great, great things to help make this happen.