

Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys I am starting something and I want build a Lost World and Gengar Prime deck since we will get Call of Legends, well does anyone here knows the deck list of famous Lostgar that have been played in Japan since Lost Link cames out?
^Really, lol.

Anyway, most have 4 Mew Prime, and I'd say 2-2-4 Gengar Prime. Of course 4 Lost World. Ive even heard running it with Porygon2 (TR) for the Stadium search.
Doesnt need the stadium search. I've tried it with just 4-2-4 gengar prime with no mew, and 1-1 palkia g and it cant live up to the hype, although it's not bad.
Lol where you read Lost World was banned? Well I know how will play and how I will built the deck but I just ask the list to compare some things.
Well, if it was true two things happen: they will put on pokemon-card.com that rulle ( Lost World is banned) and all pokémon tcg sites including pokebeach will talk about that in main page, am I right? Here in Portugal one guy told me I could play 6 japanese cards per deck, at the same way lost world was banned xD I mean -.-" only two cards had been banned: sneasel and slowking from NEO. Sorry about off-topic.

Well they may played

4 mew prime LL
x spiritomb LL
2-2-4 Gengar Prime
2-2 Porygon 2

hum but one thing, their format was Platinum On am I right?
^Japan's format is now HGSS on. Spiritomb TR is to force your opponent to hand refresh, possibly making them draw into a Pokemon that can be Lost Zoned.
Lost World was never banned in Japan. It is perfectly fit into the format and does not need to be banned. A lot of testing has been done with the card, and it is very good for the format, in my opinion.

I cannot comprehend why people want to play Spiritomb LW with Gengar LW. Giving your opponent 6 cards does not ensure a LZ'd card. I would rather play something along the lines of Mr. Mime. Huntering your Tomb isn't worth it. I play 1-2 Mesprit in my LostGar. There's also a 2-1 line of Uxie in my build. Playing max Hunter and a few VS seeker is the best way to play the deck. If you get a good enough start, you'll get a LZ without using Hunter. Once that happens, you got the road to win. As far as Gengar lines go, I'd go 3-2-3-1. You WILL LZ a LW Gengar. The X is questionable, however. Even so... don't discount your Ghastly line. Ghastly is still such an amazing card that it is worth it. I would recommend 3-2-4 if you don't like the X... Don't use more than 1 more Gengar than Ghastlies... that is just stupid :)
Here in Portugal one guy told me I could play 6 japanese cards per deck, at the same way lost world was banned xD I mean -.-"
That was before the rotation at Worlds 2010. Currently you cannot play any non-local language cards in a deck, even with references (even if they're just energy cards).

I think Smeargle UD might work nice in the deck; that way you may see your opponent's hand, copy a supporter, and that way you'll know whether or not to attack that turn. That's just my opinion anyway; you might look at your opponent's hand either way so it might be impractical. Still, Portrait is by no means bad...
Yes I know I was ironic about that because I know the rulles but they have japanese cards and they want play them.
I wish i could use japanese energy cards. I have VS energies which are fun XD

are 4 lost worlds used per deck?

(i bought 3 jap on here and wanted to know if i should get a 4th for testing)
~Hum I think this might be like that : 3-2-3/1 Gengar but the question is play one SF or AR whit two Primes, 2 or 3 Uxie since I don`t have the Lv. X, 2 Mr. Mime and Palkia G Lv. X, but the question is:L how stop Deafen Lock. And If I`m not wrong in japan the last format before HGSS-on was PL-on when Lost Link cames out. T/S/S, 3 collector, 4 Seeker, 4 bebes. But I also think If Vileplume in this deck to lock treiners, paly seeker turn Vileplume to my hand and with BTS paly Vileplume again. But is just for that I ask for japanese deck list version.

I wish i could use japanese energy cards. I have VS energies which are fun XD

are 4 lost worlds used per deck?

(i bought 3 Japanese on here and wanted to know if i should get a 4th for testing)


I Play 2 Broken Time Space and 2 Lost World, and I get Lost World with Twis, since Twins is Like a Cyrus Conspiracy without tool search.