Lots of stuff wrong in BW001

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Aspiring Trainer
1.Well first of all, Ash is still 10, and one of my friends reminded me that Ash should be at least 11 because of the episode (in Chronicles I think) where they were celebrarting Ash and Pikachus 1 year friendaversary.

2. Ash & Tripp's (Shooti's English name) battle:
2.A. All starters come at level 5, right, and Snivy learns Leaf Tornado at 16, so unless Tripp had 9 rare candies up his sleeve how could he learn Leaf Tornado?
2.B. Even if Pikachu couldn't use his electric type move (according to toys'R'us) Pikachu should be at level 50. One quick attack and an iron tail from a level 50 to a level 5 (or 16?) should be more then enough to knock Snivy out.

Please reply to add anymore things I may have missed, or try to counter my arguements.
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