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Standard Love for Glaceon GX!


Awkward PokeTuber
Hi everyone! Trying to think of ways to get a Glaceon GX deck going. I was talking to people on Twitter who set me straight that Glaceon could have potential, so I am thinking of trying to piece together some proxies for testing with Glaceon as the main attacker.

The idea is to keep peppering the bench, mass devolve Stage 1s and 2s with Espeon EX and snipe big GX/EX knockouts with Fini and Necrozma's GX attack. Glaceon in the active blocks any opposing Leles, Trades, Secret Springs, nifty Metal abilities like Metagross and the new Magnezone, Silvally retreats, etc.

Let me know what you would change! Be nice (but real) :p

Pokemon [17]
3-3 Glaceon GX (reference)
1-1 Alolan Ninetails GX
1-1 Alolan Ninetails
2 Tapu Koko
1 Espeon EX
1 Tapu Fini GX
2 Tapu Lele GX
1 Necrozma GX

Trainers [31]
4 Ultra Ball
4 Aqua Patch
3 Choice Band
2 Field Blower
1 Counter Catcher (the deck will likely be slow with initial KOs)
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
2 Guzma
2 Acerola
1 Brigette
1 Skyla
3 Brooklet Hill

Energy [12]
4 Double Colorless Energy
8 Water Energy
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I would probably get rid of the brooklet hills, the brooklet hill can only grab you either a vulpix or the fini and you have the lele brigette combo so your bench space will probably already be pretty much full. I would say to add another brigette to increase your chances of getting it turn 1 and not prizing your only brigette and probably adding 2 float stones, its important to have the glaceon in the active and only relying on guzma's and tapu koko's isnt enough, its good to have the float stone option.

Then as personal preference i would say drop skyla for another draw supp like lillie, I usually only like to run 3 N since its not the best late game and I would add another guzma, i would probably get rid of counter catcher to add a special charge since you will be using alot of dce.

It will be interesting to see how this deck holds up to others, since decks only have to use guzma to avoid the ability lock and the fact that metal decks are getting more popular