It's a stretch if you're only going to be using one or two Stage-1 lines in your deck against a particular matchup. Say we play a 3-3 version of some card. The opponent takes three Prizes before we're out of that Stage-1 that gives us an advantage. Super Rod hurts Flareon, and if we're going for a Toolbox-esque mold of this deck, we'll need two. This entire time, we're praying we're drawing Ultra Ball to discard the dead cards in our hand. Or, we're drawing those dead cards while faster decks like Blastoise and Plasma KO our Stage-1s, if we get those set up. It's just inconsistent. Yeah, Flareon is nice to have as an extra thing, but it's Mirror-prone too. So we'll need Scrapper - at least two. I think we're getting clunkiness here. I wouldn't make Flareon more than a one-of.