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Lucario Disruption Deck (Lucario-EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4x Lucario-EX [FFI]
    1x Landorus-EX [BCR]
    2x Hawlucha [FFI]
    1x Mewtwo-EX [NXD]

  • 3x Ultra Ball
    3x Muscle Band
    4x Crushing Hammer
    2x Enhanced Hammer
    3x VS Seeker
    2x Switch
    1x Escape Rope
    1x Professor's Letter
    1x Startling Megaphone

    2x Head Ringer

    1x Computer Search

    4x Professor Juniper
    4x N
    2x Skyla
    2x Lysandre
    1x Xerosic
    1x Team Flare Grunt
    1x Lysandre's Trump Card

    3x Fighting Stadium

  • 7x Fighting Energy
    4x Strong Energy

Use Corkscrew Smash for 120 w/ Fighting Stadium, Muscle Band, and Strong Energy. Refresh hand and disrupt with Hammers and Ringers!
Hi PokeBoss123,

Nice deck. Similar to a list I submitted some time ago. Like the tech Flare Grunt but would consider either Silver Bangle or Focus Sash over Head ringer. I would also strongly recommend Korrina over Skyla and Ultra Ball since it makes the deck much more stable and with all the tools and discard trainers Lucario Ex can still reliable refill the hand. Also run some more Hawlucha and Landorus Ex. Not sure on Mewtwo since Focus Sash covers the weakness nicely and also helps in other matches. Might drop Landorus non-Ex in my list for a third Hawlucha and one tech Flare Grunt. This can be a decent deck in the right format but watch out for mass energy acceleration.