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Standard Lucario EX / Crobat for Regionals


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 17
  • 3 Lucario EX
  • 3 Hawlucha
  • 1 Miltank
  • 4-3-3 Crobat
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 3 Korrina
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 2 Enhanced Hammer
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Super Scoop Up
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 Fighting Stadium
Energy: 9
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 5 Fighting Energy

Any idea to improve that deck?
A few thoughts from my experience running different F and Bats decks:

Without some supplemental, non-Supporter based card-draw, 3+ Korrina will tend to "clog" your deck by "conflicting" with other Supporters you might need to play that same turn.

Landorus is very useful as a non-EX attacker, as well as providing some energy-attachment acceleration (recovering F energy from your discard pile).

Level Balls (3-4) are very useful in getting Zubat, Golbat and Hawlucha out when needed on a consistent basis.

This is a "high risk" / "high reward" type of deck since your game winning success is highly dependent upon getting heads on the Super Scoop Up. The SSUs should be maxed out in order to maximize your chances of favorable outcomes.

For your consideration, following are some suggested changes for deck improvements, IMO:

-2 Korrina
-1 Switch - not needed as much as 4th SSU
-1 Xerosic - not needed as much since you run Enhanced Hammer and SSU
-1 VS Seeker - not needed as much as more F energy

+1 Level Ball
+1 Super Scoop Up
+1 Landorus (or +2 Landorus, replacing the Miltank too)
+2 F

I hope you find these comments helpful.
Although I have not had amazing success running fighting/bats recently, below are my thoughts on the deck:

  • Don't worry about the Landorous - everything in your deck has a 1 energy attack, and only Lucario will ever need more than that, so it really isn't needed. An energy retrieval would probably be preferred if you wanted to get energy from the discard, as it don't waste a turns attack
  • -1 Xerosic - definitely since you run the enhanced hammers, due to Korrina item based disruption is a lot more consistent
  • +1 Shaymin EX (If available) - A generally good card anyway, but also turns Korrina into a draw supporter (Grab a fighting Pokemon and an ultra ball, ball into Shaymin).
  • +1 Sycamore, -1 Birch - Sycamore gives a lot less risk of getting into a rut.
  • -1 Lucario, -1 Hawlucha, +1 Sacred Ash - This is a lot less definite than the above, but due to Korrina you can pretty reliably get the Pokemon you want when you need them, and the Sacred Ash gets you the pokemon back, + any bats that you had to discard when setting up.
  • +1 Level ball - Really good at getting both bats & hawlucha going if needed
Other cards to consider, but I am unsure what to cut to include them:
  • Focus sash - always really good to attach to Hawlucha, as it nearly always allows 2 big attacks (considering you will often be hitting for 80 with Hawlucha even with sash, 2 attacks + a bat will knock out most EX's)
  • Escape rope - would go over switch, and is really personal preference. On the topic of switching cards, I like to run 1 in my deck, to search with Korrina if something get's trapped/Lysandre'd up.
  • Battle compressor - just to drop your low count supporters where they can be VS seeker'd, but not amazing otherwise
Hope this helps
I myself am having trouble with the deck, but I have a feeling I'm farther than you are, so here's my list:
Lucario-EX x3
Hawlucha x3
4-4-3 Bat Line
Shaymin-EX x1
Miltank x1

Sycamore x4
Birch x2
Shauna x2
Korrina x2
Lysandre x1
Fighting Stadium x2
Silent Lab x1
Muscle Band x2
Focus Sash x2
Ultra Ball x3
Level Ball x3
Super Scoop Up x4
VS Seeker x3
Escape Rope x1

Strong x4
Fighting x5

Something along the ways of that anyway... Focus Sash is pretty good because If your facing Night March or Mega Ray, you can take a major blow, then just Scoop up, and retain the energy. That's partially the reason I took AZ out, it used your supporter, clogged your hand, and got rid of energy and tools. Good luck on your deck!
P.S: Miltank helps beat Regice, basically the Bain of this deck's existence.