• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Lucario EX / Hawlucha EX / Kangaskhan EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Hawlucha EX
    2 Kangaskhan EX
    2 M Kangaskhan EX
    1 Lucario EX
    1 M Lucario EX
    2 Dedenne

    TOTAL: 11

  • 3 Shauna (keep a fresh hand)
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser (helping power)
    4 Muscle Bands (extra fighting power)
    4 Team Flare Grunt (help slow down my opponent in the first couple of turns)
    1 Gold Potion (a surprise card)
    1 Pal Pad (If I used up my korrinas on hawluchas)
    3 Fighting Stadium (to help hawlucha ex and lucario ex, and to win stadium fights)
    2 Startling Megaphones (get rid of those pesky tool cards)
    2 Silver Bangle ( to give an extra kick to dedenne)
    2 Pokemon Fan Club ( getting hawlucha ex, kangaskhan ex, lucario ex)
    3 Professor's Letter (getting energies out)
    3 Cassius ( a surprise card)
    2 Evosoda (to help evolve kangaskhan ex, lucario ex)
    2 Korrina (help get lucario ex and m lucario ex out)

    TOTAL: 36

  • 4 Strong Energy
    2 Double Colorless Energy
    7 Fighting Energy

    TOTAL: 13

Strategy: So after my last post, I really changed up my deck, like a lot. I put what each trainer is used for and I've been able to fiddle with it and it has pretty good draws. Any Advice?

Edited your decklist to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon[/color]