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Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Garbador / Lucario


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Lucario EX
    2 Landorus EX
    2 Trubbish
    2 Garbador
    2 Riolu
    2 Lucario (LTR)
    1 Landorus (FIF)

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    1 Colress
    3 Korrina
    2 Lysandre
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Float Stone
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Virbank City Gym
    2 Switch
    1 Computer search
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Professor's Letter

  • 8 Fighting energy
    4 Strong Energy
The strategy behind this deck is to hit hard and early using lucario EX, and Landorus EX. Garbador is to shut down abilities, Lucario from LTR is a counter to Pyroar, for a strong energy, and a muscle band his aura sphere attack does 90 damage and ability is (when this pokemon is damaged from an oppenets attack it does 20 damage to that pokemon) Which will hit that 110hp that pyroar has. If i have garbador set up quick i will just attack with Lucario EX, Landorus EX. Landorus from FIF is a good card to get some energy back in the late game.

The deck still needs one more card, I could either put one more ultra ball, Mewtwo EX, Kyurem EX with outrage, or posibly another landorus EX.

What suggestions do you all have.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Yeah that was the card I was leaning towards, For the mewtwo Battles. But at the smae time I am not running any double colorless energy, do you think it would be to difficult to set up a mewtwo ex.
I think you don't need lucario, if you has garbodor. Maybe you can run M Lucario and more baby landorus to accelerate energies.
-2 Riolu
-2 Lucario

+2 Landorus FUF
+1 M Lucario Ex

Due to Seismi Ex you can run PKM FC to take your pokemons. And Center lady to remove special conditions and any time heals some damage.
You do realize that Garbodor shuts down Pyroar's ability as well as Lucario's ability? Lucario is not needed for this deck.

I think either 1-1 more of Garbodor Trubbish or maybe adding in Baby Landy for energy acceleration.
Its a possiblity to run M Lucario EX. I think 3 landorus FUF is a lot for the deck because my main attackers in Lucario EX, and Landorus EX are both single energy attachment attackers. Korina will help me grab my fighting pokemon, I may put in a single pakemon fan club and pokemon center lady but at the same time the deck is tight and i dont know what i would be able to take out.
3 Baby Landy is overkill. 1 is what I have used in a deck similar to this on Playtcg, and it has worked fine.
Well, remove 2-2 lucario and then add pkm fc and Center lady. Korrina don't can take trubish or garbodor, and if you stay in a item lock, balls don't go help you. And since 3 baby Landorus is overkill, play 2 and for other space i don't know what you can play, maybe Muscle Band / Iris / Flare Grunt / N / M Lucario Ex. 3-3 garb is too much, IMO. Make baby landorus the seventh prize.
I have a 2-2 Garbador line. Lucario is a good 1 prize attacker that can potentially OHKO a pyroar if i cant get garbador out.