Pokemon: 13
So it's a pretty basic strategy. Lucario and Lando are my main attackers while Mewto and Seim provide coverage but also Toad can be a pain to deal with as it shuts down there items. Garb is there for Pyroars, Virzions and other annoying abilities. I like the idea of Scramble Switch as it proves energy transfer and I can use max potion to heal up a poke without losing energy. I am not sure if I want more Max potions as all of my Pokemon only need 1 or 2 energies to be effective and at most 3 for finishers. I was also thinking about putting in some Full Heals (Again don't know what to take out.) Lastly, hello! I am new to pokemon TCG but have experience in many other card games and this is my VERY rough draft and any input, suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Edited to coincide with the rules!
3 Lucario EX
3 Landorus EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Trubbish
2 Garbodor (Garbotoxin)
1 Seismtoad EX
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Korrina
2 Lysandre
3 Virbank City Gym
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Escape Rope/Switch (Not sure which would be better)
2 Random Receiver
3 Muscle Band
2 Ultra Ball
2 Float Stone
1 Max Potion
1 Scramble Switch ACE SPEC
4 Strong Energy
2 Double Colorless
7 Fighting Energy
So it's a pretty basic strategy. Lucario and Lando are my main attackers while Mewto and Seim provide coverage but also Toad can be a pain to deal with as it shuts down there items. Garb is there for Pyroars, Virzions and other annoying abilities. I like the idea of Scramble Switch as it proves energy transfer and I can use max potion to heal up a poke without losing energy. I am not sure if I want more Max potions as all of my Pokemon only need 1 or 2 energies to be effective and at most 3 for finishers. I was also thinking about putting in some Full Heals (Again don't know what to take out.) Lastly, hello! I am new to pokemon TCG but have experience in many other card games and this is my VERY rough draft and any input, suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Edited to coincide with the rules!