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Lucario EX / Medicham / Machamp Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 15

  • 1 Landorus
    2 Lucario EX
    3 Machop
    1 Machoke
    2 Machamp
    3 Meditite
    2 Medicham HA
    1 Seismitoad EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 1 Energy Retrieval
    2 Full Heal
    2 Pokemon Catcher
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Rare Candy
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Switch
    1 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Sparkling Robe
    1 Weakness Energy
    1 Fighting Stadium
    1 Mountain Ring
    1 Cheren
    2 Korrina
    1 Lysandre
    1 N
    2 Professor Bitch's Observations
    1 Skyla
    1 Team Flare Grunt
    2 Teammates
    1 Ace Specs Rock Guard
Energy: 14

  • 1 Double Colorless Energy
    5 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy
    4 Water Energy


The main strategy is to set-up the Medicham Half-Art or my Lucario EX's, while my two Machamps are on the bench to give power to these two fighting Pokemon. The Seismitoad EX is there for a contrary (non-Fighting) Pokemon that stalls the opponent from playing any Item Trainer cards. Landorus is there to pick-up fighting energy from the discard pile to boost any Lucario EX's/Medicham HA's on my bench.

I've included Full Heals to counter any VirGen deck, and have the Mountain Ring Stadium Card to negate all bench damage from the Seismitoad EX.

I've made this deck using primarily cards from Furious Fists and the Primal Clash sets, as I bought booster boxes for both sets. I also will be getting the Red Genesect Box Set as well, for the Supporter cards in my deck.

Based on what you see in the following images/list of Pokemon cards in this set, can you all critique my deck? Keep in mind, I only have cards from those two sets; I would have to buy any additional cards from any of the other sets.


  • HomeDeckPart1_02222015.JPG
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  • HomeDeckPart2_02222015.JPG
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Are you planning on buying that Ace Spec? Its not worth it. Most decks can megaphone it off, and then make it useless. If you already have it, you /may/ like to use it.

-1 Toad-EX (You don't really have the time for this guy. Landorus is a much better set up card. Plus, you only want this to do Quaking Punch, not the Hammer)
-1 Machop (If you set this guy up, then good. If not, then it won't really matter)
-1 Lucario (You don't really need this guy. You'd only need it as a 1-of)
-2 Full Heal (No. Not this. At all. Its nearly useless... and it doesn't counter any deck at all.)
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 Sparkling Robe (Also not a good tool to be using in this deck.)
-1 Mountain Ring (You don't want this either.)
-1 Weakness Energy (Whats this? As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist in Standard format).
-1 Cheren (Bad draw. Bad draw.)
-2 Pokemon Catcher (The errata on this card makes it now a coin flip. Meaning not worth using.)
-1 Teammates (Only 1 in this deck.)
-1 Skyla (In [F] decks, Korrina > Skyla)
-1 Team Flare Grunt (You don't want this either.)
-1 Rock Guard
-4 Water Energy (Too much and not needed.)
-1 DCE (Not worth it).

+1 Medicham (Consistency)
+1 Landorus (Consistency)
+2 Muscle Band (You need 4)
+2 Hawlucha (This guy's a staple in [F] decks. Drop, attach an Energy, place a fighting stadium and a band, and you're hitting EXs for 110 at least. And you've got free retreat)
+2 Korrina (You need three)
+1 Lysandre (Consistency)
+4 Professor Sycamore (Staple. Of four.)
+2 N/Professor Birch/Shauna (which ever one you can get your hands on; N is best, but expensive)
+2 VS Seeker (Staple)
+2 Fighting Stadium (Staple staple staple)
+2 Fighting Energy (Consistency)