I'm helping a middle schooler build a deck to beat his friends. (probably means that we don't have to worry about combatting landobats or garbotoad) Any ideas? Any glaring flaws? Anyway to improve budget without pulling away the exciting big bad lucarios or hard hitting power of machamps?
4 Lucario EX
3 Landorus
4 Machop
4 Machamp
4 Korrina
4 Shauna
4 Professor Birch’s observation
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Ultra Ball
1 Pokémon Fan Club
4 Muscle Band
2 Professor’s Letter
2 Lysandre
2 Crushing Hammer
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Switch
1 Escape Rope
4 Rare Candy
10 Fighting Energy
I'm helping a middle schooler build a deck to beat his friends. (probably means that we don't have to worry about combatting landobats or garbotoad) Any ideas? Any glaring flaws? Anyway to improve budget without pulling away the exciting big bad lucarios or hard hitting power of machamps?