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Standard Lucario GX Deck Shell


Aspiring Trainer
So, me being shitty at making new decks of this kind and wanting to try it at a league cup, I'll leave here the shell of the deck.
The idea is that I hate super scoop up and in the tests I did I never actually used Devolution Spray since the deck being pretty different from the others I see around you never really need to attack 5 times with Lucario, and I usually play it so that when hit I can manage to get a 2 prize KO with the GX attack.

Pokémon (19):
4x Zorua
3x Zoroark GX
4x Riolu
3x Lucario GX
2x Buzzwole GX
1x Mew EX
2x Tapu Lele GX

Now, being the main Pokémons in 4-3 lines both it may seem really shallow. In truth, I player a 4-4 of Zoroark and 4-2 of Lucario before adding a second Buzzwole (removing a Zoroark) and thinning the devolution cards as you'll soon see. Having 4 basics for both really helps with consistency, 3 Lucario help keeping the aura strike pressure on thanks to the evosoda and without the need for super scoop ups. I honestly only tried the deck with 1 buzzwole, but it being so stupidly useful I'd like to up the count to 2.
I tested this mainly against zoroark deck, since they are over 40% of the decks in the meta, and there they are good for gettink the easy KO on zoruas, however on other decks hitting 50 with vigor energy and 60 with choice band means Lucario has a really easy time gettink KO with aura strike on things like Golisopod and Lycanroc. Only negative impact is that the 30 snipe damage doesn't help with 210 hp pokemon since the cap damage for Lucario's aura strike is 170, and I don't want to put a Regirock in since I'm already heavy in the pokemon line. The Mew EX is currently being tested to see how well it does against Buzzwole decks, since in the mirror match it gets a KO if you have Zoroark on the field, but 120 hp is stupidly easy to hit with Lucario, so it's a trade, 2 prizes for 2 prizes if not timed correctly. Only 2 Tapu Lele since I play 3 Brigette and really takes too much bench the deck being so pokemon heavy.

Supporters (16):
3x Cynthia
3x N
1x Professor Sycamore
3x Brigette
4x Guzma
2x Acerola

Having Zoroark having 7 draw support seems enough, not really comfortable going down to 6 even though the extra space would be nice. 3 Brigitte since I always wanna see it on turn 1, 2 Acerola to synergize with Lucario, that's the main reason it's here, could be nice to put out of the way an active Buzzwole to let Lucario get in for the Ko tho.

Items (16):
4x Ultra Ball
4x Puzzle of Time
2x Evosoda
1x Devolution Spray
1x Energy Lotto
1x Field Blower
3x Choice Band

Classic Ultra Ball, classic Puzzle of Time. I like the 2 Evosoda to give the deck consistency with the 3 Zoroark, Devolution Spray in one copy since it sometimes helps a lot, currently trying the mono copy of it instead of the mono copy of super scoop up. Energy Lotto since hitting the Vigor is so important (and because I like having 1 copy of utility cards to get with the Puzzles, would like a copy of enhanced hammer but doesn't really do it for me, since in one copy it's not consistent and often with the Puzzles I get the KO without having to worry about special energies.) Classic field blower, 3 choice bands who I'd like to try as 4, gotta see in the future.

Energy (9):
4x Vigor Energy
3x DCE
2x Fighting energy

classic 4 vigor to hit the 170 on Lucario and get rid of the Leles, 2 fighting for consistency attacking with Lucario and because Mill is a thing and I need them togheter with the attacking riolu to get rid of Hoopa. Only 3 DCE because I use only 3 Zoroark, even tho I have Mew and Lele i find myself to never attack with them.

Hit me hard folks.
Tried the deck online with Octillery, but the card draw isn't nearly as good since I tend to keep cards in hand, like Guzma and Acerola, so i changed slightly the list.

Pokémon (18):
4x Zorua
3x Zoroark GX
4x Riolu
3x Lucario GX
2x Buzzwole GX
2x Tapu Lele GX

Supporters (15):
3x Cynthia
2x N
1x Professor Sycamore
3x Brigette
3x Guzma
3x Acerola

Items (18):
4x Ultra Ball
4x Puzzle of Time
2x Evosoda
2x Enhanched Hammer
2x Field Blower
3x Choice Band
1x Rescue stretcher

Energy (9):
4x Vigor Energy
3x DCE
2x Fighting energy

Tested against Zoroark Variants and Garbodor/Buzzwole.
Good with Zoroark, a problem comes up with Buzz/Garbodor:
Garbodor shuts abilities, so I put an extra field blower, and Enhanched hammer really helps in the meta, while I removed the devolution spray since with 2 buzzwoles the third copy of acerola is enough to get me going.
Now, I don't know if it's a common problem or I'm just unlucky as hell, but I had a really hard time to find fighting energies for the fighting attackers, and losing an attack can be pretty harsh here, don't think cutting a riolu and lucario would help, so I was really considering putting the energy lotto back, or a fighting energy, but being unable to test in the next days I'd like a second opinion.
As for the Pokémon line, I put both on 4-3 for testing, and noticed Zoroark is really useful against non buzzwole/non zoroark decks, and Lucario everything else, so I'm really struggling to decide what to cut, since against buzzwole I tipically don't put more than one in not to give out free prizes (they charge fast as hell with Carbink now), so I was thinking of cutting down to 3-3 and make space for the extra fighting energy, but another problem arises: I'd like one more space for a Mewtwo, since it helps in the buzzwole matchup and I tend to suffer that. Going down to 3-2 Zoroark seems harsh, same with going down 4-2 Lucario, even if most people play it like this, since I rely on acerola and not super scoop up I feel like I'd fall behind and not being able to find it.
So the options are:
4-4 Zoroark, 3-2 Lucario, 2 buzzwole, 2 Tapu Lele, 1 Mewtwo, many many Zoroark for consistency and try to hit Buzzwole harder than he does with Mewtwo to clean up a fully powered Buzzwole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ should be able to
3-3 Zoroark, 4-3 Lucario, 2 Buzzwole, 2 Tapu Lele, 1 Mewtwo, less consistent in other match ups but should be able to have the upper hand against Zoroark variants, SIlvally variants, less weak to Buzzwole.
I'm probably just getting preoccupied over Buzzwole since that's what I tested against today, so I might be a bit tunnel minded.
Also Rescue Stretcher doesn't really do the trick when I don't throw away pokémons for trade, so I might trade it with Basic Fight Energy, or maybe energy lotto since I have the chance to get the DCE for Mewtwo or the strong, but it falls as another question item that may do nothing so I'll need to see.
Please don't ignore me this time :v I know I write way too much but I really struggle for refinements since I go on and back about the slightest balance changes since I get focused on certain matchups way too much.
Honestly I would cut Zoroark completely, they don't work that well together.

I personally would center this more around Buzzwole GX w/ Lucario GX as the main attacker.

Maybe tech Sudowoodo or Mewtwo.
Honestly I would cut Zoroark completely, they don't work that well together.

I personally would center this more around Buzzwole GX w/ Lucario GX as the main attacker.

Maybe tech Sudowoodo or Mewtwo.
It'd get synergy with the Octillery as I'd play the brooklet hills and suffer much less from parallel city, but since it's a type of deck that keeps resources in hand I fear to get stuck with acerolas, guzmas and enhanched hammers and not being able to draw.