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Lucario Swarm Literally (Lucario EX)


Countermeta Veteran
Pokemon: 8

  • 4x Lucario-EX
    1x M Lucario-EX
    2x Terrakion (LT)
    1x Mew-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 42

  • 4x Bicycle
    4x Roller Skates
    4x Random Receiver
    3x Switch
    2x Escape Rope
    2x Professor's Letter
    2x Pokemon Catcher
    2x Ultra Ball
    2x Crushing Hammer
    4x Korrina
    3x Skyla
    2x Professor Juniper
    3x Fighting Stadium
    3x Muscle Band
    1x Float Stone
    1x Computer Search
Energy: 10

  • 4x Strong Energy
    5x Fighting
    1x Double Colorless

Exactly what it sounds like. Get the Lucario-EX out fast, get it boosted up with Strong Energy/Band/Stadium and punch away. Terrakion takes out Suicune/Sigilyph for you, while Mew covers your weakness to Psychic (AKA Mewtwo) more than well. Any input, tips, etc. is well appreciated.

EDIT: -2 Super Rod, +2 Crushing Hammer
EDIT: -1 Fighting, +1 Double Colorless
I don't see any counters for Pyroar, are you going to take an autoloss for it? I suggest you take out Skyla as Korrina is more then enough. Also Mew Ex is a easy OHKO. I also suggest taking out Roller Skates for N which will give you more consistency.

- 3 Skyla
- 2 Super Rod
-1 Mew Ex
-4 Roller Skates

+4 N
+2 Lysandre
2/2 Pikachu/Raichu or 2/2 Cubchoo/Beartic
Rotations aren't till next week, so Rod is still technically modified.
Also, Pyroar doesn't have immunity against M Lucario-EX, since it's evolved. I actually had a Pyroar forfeit earlier.

Now, for the other changes. I might playtest N, but my concern is that it won't draw me the right trainers, while Skyla can pick up Stadium, Band, and Computer Search for the special energies (Letter for basic). It's currently working very consistently (13 out of 14 games won online), although I haven't got my hands on the last Lucario yet.
Lysandre I'll have to try to fit in. Immunities can stall me waaaaay hard. :S Thanks.
I would run mewtwos if I were you, because all the opponent needs to do is slap a mewtwo w/ Band and a DCE on it, and they can sweep you easily.
I agree with Salamence with Mewtwo will clean you out quickly. Most Pyroar decks I've seen in my league run with Mewtwo Ex just for Mewtwo Ex Wars and Lucario
I've removed a basic energy for a DCE. I think Mew will work just as well as Mewtwo, honestly. Also considering Landorus FuF over one Terrakion, what do you think?