LuckySong's Gallery- Every Member Counts
~Top Banner Courtesy of Echosong~
Now it may seem like a crazy idea, but Echosong and I decided to start an artwork gallery. This mainly includes banners, but you may post other artwork that you created. Echosong and I have a dream- to make a banner for every active member. It may seem wild, but we're working towards it. Please feel free to walk around the museum and enjoy.
Things you can do here:
[*] Give feedback and comments to the existing artwork of the gallery.
[*] Post some of your own artwork and open up your own gallery.
[*] View the existing artwork and reconize the talent of these aspiring artists.
[*] PM me or Echosong and tell us two or three of your favorite Pokemon. We will
make you a banner from there, but please do not post too many details.
All forum rules are required with the exception of the dead thread rule because this is a stickied thread so I believe that rule does not apply. And also, please treat others and their work with respect.
1. Echosong
2. LuckyLuigi7
Those who submit artwork are automatically added as a member to the gallery.
1. Poke Gal
2. Staraptor
3. George2FRESH
4. Edward Elric
5. Yakkov
6. Wariopower
7. FrozenGallade
8. Delta
9. Master of the Shadow
10. Charizard88
11. F111:
12. Soul Seeker
13. Omnigross 98
14. Flygon999
Gallery Entry Forms-
Banner Link:
Artist: (Obviously yourself-just to make sure.)
Some Description: (This description will be what we put under your work. Please make it your final draft.)
LuckySong's Gallery
1. Charizard88's Banner
Artist: Luckyluigi7
Description:I just got to know Charizard88 and thought I should make a fire banner. So I decided to make one for him. (Don't worry, Inumimi and xxashxx, you're coming soon. )
2. Echosong's Banner
Artist: Luckyluigi7
Description: After deciding to make a various ghost-type banner, I thought of giving it to Echosong. Then we had an idea to start a gallery like this. The image I used to Espeon is very unique.
3. Flight_of_Ho-oh's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
4. Luckyluigi7's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: First banner I made for our well I guess you could call it our project.
5. Lucario of light's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
6. Noobnerd's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
7. Piplup 321's Banner
Artist: luckyluigi7
Description: Piplup 321 and I have been friends for a quite a while now and is one of my best. I made sure everything was right to make this banner for him.
8. Psychic Pokemon Master's Banner
Artist: Luckyluigi7
Description: This stunted my idea to make some sort of a gallery. I just wanted to make a banner for a various PB member, and he is very active. I think I did a fair job. I used images that were not used as often.
9. Shaymin of the Heart's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: A nice friend. Most call her SOTH but I prefer to call her FC after her old username.
10. Toxic's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
11. Unknown's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
12. Water Rayquaza's Banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: He's one of my friends and I enjoyed making his banner.
13. xxashxx's banner
Artist: Echosong
Description: (COMING SOON)
You may use any of these banners for any purpose. We made them for you!
Charizard88's Gallery
1. Kyogre and Groudon Banner
Description: Well this was my entry for The Monthly Pokebeach Banner Contest for December. I think there are things to change but I am just proud I made something decent this time.
2. -The Daycare Center Head Banner
Description: Requested by C_C. I made this banner for the daycare center's top center banner.
3.Banner Request 1
Description: Banner request in Soul Art, I acctually like the overall effect of this banner.
4.Banner Request 2
Description: Banner request by Pokeman. Very simple banner with some nice background water and fire mix effects.
5.The Head Honcho
Description: Just got bored and made this it looks great overall.
You must ask Charizard88 before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Charizard88 if you have those intentions.
Delta's Gallery
1. Giratina the Great Banner
Description: This is a banner request from Pokebeach; I can't remember which user, but this is a Giratina in a black swirly background with text next to it.
2. Red and His Party
Description: Just a banner I made for myself, Red with his party and some text next to it.
You must ask Delta before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Delta if you have those intentions.
F111:'s Gallery
1. Three-Way Battle Banner
2. Transformer Banner
You must ask F111: before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM F111: if you have those intentions.
Echosong's Gallery
1. Kirara Drawing 1
2. Kirara Drawing 2
3. Kirara Drawing 3
Description: (Applies to all three above) Here's some drawings of Kirara I made. Sorry ones upside down I scaned it wrong.
4. (Yet to be Titled)
Description:I made this one in a program like paint.
You must ask Echosong before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Echosong if you have those intentions.
Edward Elric's Gallery
1. Fullmetal Alchemist Banner
2. LuckyLuigi7 Banner
Description: Wow, this is so nice of him. He made a banner for me. ~LL7
You must ask Edward Elric before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Edward Elric if you have those intentions.
Frozengallade's Gallery
1. -Ghost Town Banner
2. Cherrim Will Dance Banner
3. frozengallade's Contest Banner
4. The Psycho Family Banner
5. It's Buggin' Time Banner
You must ask Frozengallade before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Frozengallade if you have those intentions.
Flygon999's Gallery
1. Blastoise Banner
2. Electivire Banner
You must ask Flygon999 before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Flygon999 if you have those intentions.
George2FRESH's Gallery
1. Garchomp- What's YOUR Weakness- Banner
2. Yellow-Star Savages Banner
3. Just Add Claydol Banner
4. Tyrani-Star Banner
5. Magnezone Banner (Made for Serebii1997)
6. Speedy Turtle (Made for Akatsuki9)
7. Swiftdra Banner (Made for I'm a SK)
8. Feel the Red Banner (Made for Red Rayquaza)
9. Magmortar Banner
Description: One of my personal favorites - G2F
10. Darkrai Banner- Beware the Shadows
11. Weavile is a Ninja Banner
12. Feraligatr + Crawdaunt Banner (Made for Dictator Dauntless)
13. Gyarados Banner
14. The Shinies are Coming Banner (Made for ShinyMew)
15. - Face the Elements (Made for DragonF.)
16. - Drapion Lock Banner
17. - Shadow Banner (Made for Shadow Lugia)
18. - Pokeman Banner (Made for Pokeman)
19. - "Crippler Crush" (Made for DictatorD.)
20. - Ramparados Banner
20. - The Regis
You must ask George2FRESH before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM George2FRESH if you have those intentions.
Master of the Shadow's Gallery
1. Vampire Banner
2. Ichigo Kurosaki From Bleach
3. Virgil From Devil May Cry 3
4. Nightmare From Soul Calibur 4
5. Byakuya Kuchiki+Rukia *Bankai*(Bleach)
6. Dusknoir Banner
7. Palkia Banner
You must ask Master of the Shadow before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Master of the Shadow if you have those intentions.
Omnigross 98's Gallery
1. Metagross Banner
2. Torterra Banner
3. Electivire Avatar
4. Mesprit, Electivire, and Garchomp Banner
You must ask Omnigross 98 before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Omnigross 98 if you have those intentions.
Poke Gal's Gallery
1. Hand-Drawn Version
2. Hand-Drawn Version 2
3. Poke Gal's Avatar
4. Poke Gal's Banner
5. Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Toyko Mew Mew
You must ask Poke Gal dow before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Poke Gal if you have those intentions.
Staraptor's Gallery
1. Gardevoir, Kirlia, and Ralts
2. Gardevoir Drawing
3. Gardevoir Portrait
You must ask Staraptor before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Staraptor if you have those intentions.
Soul Seeker's Gallery
1. Alakazam Banner
2. Celebi Banner
3. Darkrai Banner
4. Dusknoir Banner
5. Entei Banner
6. Gyarados Banner
7. Flareon Banner
8. Mudkip Banner
9. Groudon Banner
10. Pikaphy Banner
11. Suicune Banner
12. Raikou Banner
13. Mew Banner
14. Pikachu Banner
15. Torchic Banner
Description: My favorite one. ^^ -SS
16. Kyogre Banner
17. Metagross Banner
PM Soul Seeker if you're interested in using a banner.
Wariopower's Gallery
1. Wariopower's Suicune Banner
2. Wariopower's Wario Banner
3. Brothers Banner
4. Kingdom Hearts Banner (Made for JasonSora)
5. Houndoom Banner
You must ask Wariopower before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Wariopower if you have those intentions.
Yakkov's Gallery
1. - Kirshi- Manga Character
2. - Kai Momoya- Manga Character
3. - Ichigo and Grimmjow- Anime Characters
4. - Manga Character- Kirshi in Sadness
5. - Manga Building Scene
6. - Sachi Suzuki Real Final
7. - Gin-Hoshiko
8. - Manga Image (May not be suitable for children)
9. - Manga Image (May not be suitable for children)
You must ask Yakkov before you use these images in or as your banner or avatar or for any use. Please PM Yakkov if you have those intentions.
Please let me know if some of your work has not been edited for over a week or two. If so, I will get to
it right away. If it is less than a week, it is most likely I have been busy. I'll be catching up on all of the
work that has not been edited in to the thread this weekend so nothing is forgotten. Thanks.