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Poor College Student
I always liked Zekrom/Eels, and Ray/Eels, so I thought Lugia EX might have some success with the dynamo tower of power.

Pokemon: (14)
4-4 Eelektrik (NVI)
2 Zekrom (B/W)
2 Lugia EX (PLS)
2 Emolga (DRX)

Trainers: (33)
4 Professor Juniper
2 N
2 Colress
2 Bianca
2 Skyla
1 Computer Search
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Switch
4 Colress Machine
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Super Rod
1 Tool Scrapper

Energy: (13)
9 Lightning Energy
4 Plasma Energy

I would have taken this deck to states, had I been able to go *sobsob* but alas I wasn't able to attend. Anyways, strategy is to use Emolga to pull Tynamos, Zekroms, and Lugias out of the deck, and get my Eelektriks set up fast, so I can use their engine capabilities. Typical Eelbox fashion. I use Zekrom as my primary attacker to load up damage on the opponent, using catcher to attack different targets, leaving a wounded board, then retreat to Lugia and clean up. It's worked pretty well, but it feels a bit of pressure early sometimes, and I haven't had much chance to test this against LaserBank, so I don't know how that would go... any advice?