Hi everyone,
I have been working on a Lugia Legend deck for a while now and after a few tweaks to previous lists, I feel I have got a fairly competitive deck. I would like all your views, suggestions and anything else you can think of about the deck. I know it will have its problems with LuxChomp and a few other decks but I have got really comfortable with this deck.
Onto the list;
Pokemon: 19
2/2 Lugia Legend
2/1 Palkia G Lv.X
1/1 Donphan Prime
3 Sableye
3 Uxie
2 Unown Q
1 Crobat G
1 Azelf
Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums: 28
4 Super Scoop Up
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Poke Turn
2 Legend Box
2 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Energy Gain
3 Bebe's Search
3 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution
3 Indigo Plateau
Energy: 13
4 Water
3 Fire
3 Lightning
3 Rainbow
Start with Sableye and attempt to get Lugia Legend into play quickly with either search capability or Legend Box. Palkia G Lv.X as secondary attacker and a way to disrupt opponents set up aswell as getting rid of Pokemon I've used such as Azelf and surplus Sableye which could become KO bait. Unown Q to give Lugia Legend free retreat to use in conjunction with Seekers. Uxie to draw and put Energy back into deck with Psychic Restore (attach Energy then attack).
Closing Notes
I know this deck won't be to everyone's liking and most people will think "what the heck? This deck sucks!" but it really doesn't. It has its weaknesses like every other deck but is really playable and runs like a dream. All thoughts, suggestions, criticism and most importantly praise are welcomed.
Changes Made
-1 Poke Turn
-1 Bebe's Search
+1/1 Donphan Prime
I have been working on a Lugia Legend deck for a while now and after a few tweaks to previous lists, I feel I have got a fairly competitive deck. I would like all your views, suggestions and anything else you can think of about the deck. I know it will have its problems with LuxChomp and a few other decks but I have got really comfortable with this deck.
Onto the list;
Pokemon: 19
2/2 Lugia Legend
2/1 Palkia G Lv.X
1/1 Donphan Prime
3 Sableye
3 Uxie
2 Unown Q
1 Crobat G
1 Azelf
Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums: 28
4 Super Scoop Up
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Poke Turn
2 Legend Box
2 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Energy Gain
3 Bebe's Search
3 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution
3 Indigo Plateau
Energy: 13
4 Water
3 Fire
3 Lightning
3 Rainbow
Start with Sableye and attempt to get Lugia Legend into play quickly with either search capability or Legend Box. Palkia G Lv.X as secondary attacker and a way to disrupt opponents set up aswell as getting rid of Pokemon I've used such as Azelf and surplus Sableye which could become KO bait. Unown Q to give Lugia Legend free retreat to use in conjunction with Seekers. Uxie to draw and put Energy back into deck with Psychic Restore (attach Energy then attack).
Closing Notes
I know this deck won't be to everyone's liking and most people will think "what the heck? This deck sucks!" but it really doesn't. It has its weaknesses like every other deck but is really playable and runs like a dream. All thoughts, suggestions, criticism and most importantly praise are welcomed.
Changes Made
-1 Poke Turn
-1 Bebe's Search
+1/1 Donphan Prime