Ruling Lunasol


Advanced Member
How many Solrock DX and LM and Lunatone DX or LM do you need for a Lunasol deck? I know that you need a buncha cursed Stone and Full Flame.
almost nobody uses Full Flame. Desert Ruins is much better.

Solrock DX: 2
Solrock LM: 2
Lunatone DX: 4

that's how much most people use.

Arcanine out.
I tried using lunasol. It was a menace early game, but was destroyed if they got a chance to set up a good ex or stage two. I wouldn't use that deck.
RE:  Lunasol

Typhlosion King said:
I tried using lunasol. It was a menace early game, but was destroyed if they got a chance to set up a good ex or stage two. I wouldn't use that deck.
but then solrock can snipe there bench poke for 30-40 or 50 I forgot:p
^up to 40.

and the point of the deck is to not let them get to far into the game, to destroy their actives adn snipe their important basics. let your trainers disrupt them and use a stadium that shuts them down. so you obviously weren't playing it right.

it's a great deck and extremely consistant, it's just if you aren't good with it you aren't gonna win.

Arcanine out.