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Luster Purge - Latios EX / Blastoise


Levi Phillips
  • Squirtle x4
  • Blastoise x4
  • Latios EX x2
  • Keldeo EX x1

  • N x2
  • Professor Sycamore x3
  • Colress x3
  • Skyla x1
  • Pal Pad x1
  • Energy Retrieval x2
  • Superior Energy Retreival x2
  • Professors Letter x3
  • Max Potion x1
  • Ultra Ball x4
  • Rare Candy x4
  • Startling Megaphone x2
  • Float Stone x1
  • Switch
  • Hypnotoxic Laser x3
  • Muscle Band x1
  • Sacred Ash x1
  • Virbank City Gym x2
  • Scoop Up Cyclone (ACE-SPEC)

  • Water x7
  • Physcic x3

Update: 8/16/14
Ideal Start: Latios active, Squirtle benched
Ideal Turn 2: Rare Candy Blastoise, enough energy to Luster Purge

As a lot of decks, this is based on one hit KO's. Latios EX's Luster Purge, a lot of people would think Luster Purge isn't the greatest move to base a deck off of since you have to discard 3 energies, it does have it's ups though. It's a great against Mewtwo since it's a one hit KO that I won't have any energy on the following turn, it gives great opportunity for Max Potion and Scoop Up Cyclone which I happen to use in this deck. After a Luster Purge if my opponent does any damage (that doesn't kill me) I can do either of those without the loss of energy. I am able to one hit KO any non Mega EX with Muscle Band and Virbank Laser. I use the standard Keldeo/Float Stone to move around freely, and of course Blastoise to power my pokemon. I will use Keldeo if there's any type advantages, so it can be good against of course Charizard but the also the recent rising of Landorus. My defense against Pyroar is Blastoise. I also have a two Surprise Megaphone for Garbador.
PoisonxPoptart said:
  • Squirtle x3
  • Wartotle x1
  • Blastoise x2
  • Sigilyph x1 (Safeguard Ability)
  • Suicine x1
  • Swablu x2
  • Altaria x1; A 2-1 Altaria is really too inconsistent to be relied on, but we're getting a card in X&Y that is the same thing in Tool form. It's called Muscle Band.
  • Latios EX x2
  • Keldeo EX x1

  • N x2; You need a lot more draw than this. I only count 9 Supporters. (Cilan doesn't count.)
  • Colress x2
  • Cilan x2
  • Skyla x1
  • Tierno x2
  • Bianca x1
  • Energy Retrieval x4; Why four of these, but only one of the Superior Energy Retrieval? Superior outclasses Energy Retrieval. If you're worried about discarding resources, you could throw in an Exeggcute with Propagation.
  • Random Receiver x1
  • Pokemon Communication x1; Out of format.
  • Super Rod x1
  • Max Potion x1
  • Switch x2; Redundant with Keldeo's Rush In and Float Stone.
  • Ultra Ball x3
  • Rare Candy x2; More of these for turn two Blastoise.
  • Tool Scrapper x1; One more Tool Scrapper for Garbodor.
  • Float Stone x1
  • Superior Energy Retrieval x1
  • Plasma Frigate x2; I don't see the point. It literally does nothing in this deck but get rid of other Stadiums, and even Pokemon Center would be a better choice.
  • Scoop Up Cyclone (ACE SPEC)

  • Water x8
  • Physcic x7

I made a few changes to your list and explained most of them above in bold. This should be a little bit better; hope you like it!

Pokemon (14)
4 Blastoise
4 Squirtle
3 Latios EX
2 Keldeo EX
1 Suicine

Trainers (35)
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
2 N
2 Colress
2 Bianca
4 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
3 Superior Energy Retrieval
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Muscle Band
2 Tool Scrapper
1 Bicycle
1 Float Stone
1 Level Ball
1 Max Potion
1 Super Rod
Scoop Up Cyclone (ACE SPEC)

Energy (11)
Water x8
Psychic x3
I have had 3 rare candies in the deck before but it works almost just as fine with two. I don't like having Junipers in the deck because almost every time my hand has at least some important card. Honestly my draw power has been pretty good, I could use more supporters but not many, maybe 2 more colress as he's a favorite of mine. I'm considering another toolscrapper. There's no reason I should have level ball, squitle is much to easy to get out. My energy retrievals are fine sure I only get two but I don't have to discard anything I mainly use energy retreival towards the end of the game anyways when I have less needed cards. I honestly don't know why I would take al those physcic energies out. I'll keep Altaria in the until arm band comes around but until then I'm keeping it I don't focus on it anyways more of a bonus if get it out for those EX ine hit ko's. Yes I favor plasma frigate because it's useless the problem with a lot of stadiums for me is that the other opponent can most likely use them, I don't want that. Switch is in there for before I get Keldeo out it's been a life saver at a lot of points considering my main focus isb't Keldeo.

I do agree on getting some more supporters I'm actually getting some pretty soon here. I didn't know Pokemon communication was out though
Deck slightly changed: Pokemon Commune for Rare Candy

Lets see, I do want more Skylas in the deck, I just don't have anymore at the time, but will try putting at least one more in

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PoisonxPoptart said:
I have had 3 rare candies in the deck before but it works almost just as fine with two. I don't like having Junipers in the deck because almost every time my hand has at least some important card. Honestly my draw power has been pretty good, I could use more supporters but not many, maybe 2 more colress as he's a favorite of mine.

Most Blastoise lists I've seen that do well in tournaments get out Blastoise on turn two. Turn two Blastoise is hard to beat, and the only way to do that with is with maximum search cards, maximum Rare Candies, and more Supporters. Juniper is simply the best form of draw we currently have in format. Sure, you'll end up discarding a few resources at some point, but it is very often worth it in the end to go ahead and play it. If you need to hit something to win the game, and your deck is pretty thin, Juniper is your card. Often, what you have to discard is nothing you can't recover from. The only things I've really had to discard with Juniper that hurt me the most were, ironically, other Junipers. Without them, it's hard to build your hand back up after a late game N. I wouldn't recommend more Colress because what tends to happen with more Colress is that you'll get it in your opening hand when you won't have any Benched Pokemon, and it can set you back a turn or two.

PoisonxPoptart said:
There's no reason I should have level ball, squitle is much to easy to get out.

Fair enough. It can be nice to Skyla for in a pinch but certainly not necessary.

PoisonxPoptart said:
My energy retrievals are fine sure I only get two but I don't have to discard anything I mainly use energy retreival towards the end of the game anyways when I have less needed cards.

Discarding cards is a part of this game. It's unavoidable, but it's not the end of world. Discarding cards can actually be a good thing. You can get rid of cards you don't need so that you won't draw into them later. Extra Blastoise stuff (including Rare Candies), techs for other match ups (probably doesn't apply here), in this kind of deck, you can even discard Energies. Why would it be a good idea to do that? Because you can store Energies in the discard pile, safe from N, until you're ready to load them up, and then you can use Superior Energy Retrieval to get them all back. Or at least that's the idea. What do you normally have to discard when you play Ultra Ball?

PoisonxPoptart said:
I honestly don't know why I would take al those physcic energies out.

Because they can't be accelerated with Deluge, and with Energy Retrievals, you can get back the Psychic Energies you need.

PoisonxPoptart said:
Yes I favor plasma frigate because it's useless the problem with a lot of stadiums for me is that the other opponent can most likely use them, I don't want that.

Even if they can use your Stadium, it isn't ideal for them. The whole point of playing your Stadium was so that they don't have immediate access to their Stadium. Just by playing a different Stadium, you've already hurt them, and with Latios doing at least 150 damage a turn, you've probably hurt them a lot more than you've helped them with PokeCenter. Even if they heal off 20 after Luster Purge, they still have 130 on them. Most cases you can still knock them out with Mach Flight. And with Keldeo and Float Stone, you can abuse Pokecenter more than other decks that don't run two Keldeo. Maybe you don't want to use Pokecenter, but you can still find a Stadium that helps you more than your opponent. I'd suggest Tropical Beach, but I know that's way too expensive for most people.

PoisonxPoptart said:
Switch is in there for before I get Keldeo out it's been a life saver at a lot of points considering my main focus isb't Keldeo.

You could at least swap it for another Float Stone. Keldeo Float Stone is good enough to consider in any deck. Given the fact that you already accelerate Water Energies, there's really no reason to not run more Keldeos, even if it isn't the main focus. People that play Black Kyurem EX with Blastoise still run at least two Keldeos even though it's not the focus. It adds versatility.

PoisonxPoptart said:
I didn't know Pokemon communication was out though

Yeah, I miss that card :(
PoisonxPoptart said:
I have had 3 rare candies in the deck before but it works almost just as fine with two. I don't like having Junipers in the deck because almost every time my hand has at least some important card. Honestly my draw power has been pretty good, I could use more supporters but not many, maybe 2 more colress as he's a favorite of mine.

Most Blastoise lists I've seen that do well in tournaments get out Blastoise on turn two. Turn two Blastoise is hard to beat, and the only way to do that with is with maximum search cards, maximum Rare Candies, and more Supporters. Juniper is simply the best form of draw we currently have in format. Sure, you'll end up discarding a few resources at some point, but it is very often worth it in the end to go ahead and play it. If you need to hit something to win the game, and your deck is pretty thin, Juniper is your card. Often, what you have to discard is nothing you can't recover from. The only things I've really had to discard with Juniper that hurt me the most were, ironically, other Junipers. Without them, it's hard to build your hand back up after a late game N. I wouldn't recommend more Colress because what tends to happen with more Colress is that you'll get it in your opening hand when you won't have any Benched Pokemon, and it can set you back a turn or two.

Since I've added the third rare candy back I can usually still get it turn two, even if I don't get it out and they're doing damage to it. If I know I'm getting it out soon I don't attach any energy to it until I get it, remove all damage from Latios with float stone, because for some reason I usually am always able to get that card out. Or Scoop up Cyclone. (People get really mad at me for it :) ) I used to run 1 juniper with no problem so I can put it back in and see if I can put it to use.

PoisonxPoptart said:
My energy retrievals are fine sure I only get two but I don't have to discard anything I mainly use energy retreival towards the end of the game anyways when I have less needed cards.

Discarding cards is a part of this game. It's unavoidable, but it's not the end of world. Discarding cards can actually be a good thing. You can get rid of cards you don't need so that you won't draw into them later. Extra Blastoise stuff (including Rare Candies), techs for other match ups (probably doesn't apply here), in this kind of deck, you can even discard Energies. Why would it be a good idea to do that? Because you can store Energies in the discard pile, safe from N, until you're ready to load them up, and then you can use Superior Energy Retrieval to get them all back. Or at least that's the idea. What do you normally have to discard when you play Ultra Ball?

For discarding stuff I was just over reaacting I guess, I mean if I replaced at LEAST one energy retrieval with a superior, I can honestly just scrap Ultra balls considering I don't need them in mid or late game.

PoisonxPoptart said:
I honestly don't know why I would take al those physcic energies out.

Because they can't be accelerated with Deluge, and with Energy Retrievals, you can get back the Psychic Energies you need.

I can't see myself parting with those energies, I can try taking some out. I just really don't see 3 working out. But I can always modify it back if it doesn't work

PoisonxPoptart said:
Yes I favor plasma frigate because it's useless the problem with a lot of stadiums for me is that the other opponent can most likely use them, I don't want that.

Even if they can use your Stadium, it isn't ideal for them. The whole point of playing your Stadium was so that they don't have immediate access to their Stadium. Just by playing a different Stadium, you've already hurt them, and with Latios doing at least 150 damage a turn, you've probably hurt them a lot more than you've helped them with PokeCenter. Even if they heal off 20 after Luster Purge, they still have 130 on them. Most cases you can still knock them out with Mach Flight. And with Keldeo and Float Stone, you can abuse Pokecenter more than other decks that don't run two Keldeo. Maybe you don't want to use Pokecenter, but you can still find a Stadium that helps you more than your opponent. I'd suggest Tropical Beach, but I know that's way too expensive for most people.

I did run Pokemon center for a bit as well, it did help me at some points when I had a damaged pokemon on the bench and considering I'm one shotting most of my oppenents pokemon, I guess it would do them well.

PoisonxPoptart said:
Switch is in there for before I get Keldeo out it's been a life saver at a lot of points considering my main focus isb't Keldeo.

You could at least swap it for another Float Stone. Keldeo Float Stone is good enough to consider in any deck. Given the fact that you already accelerate Water Energies, there's really no reason to not run more Keldeos, even if it isn't the main focus. People that play Black Kyurem EX with Blastoise still run at least two Keldeos even though it's not the focus. It adds versatility.

Yeah I can definetly replace at least one switch with a float stone, but I just need to get my hands on one of them.

PoisonxPoptart said:
I didn't know Pokemon communication was out though

Yeah, I miss that card :(

Yeah I took them out of all my decks, sad times..

PS sorry if I sounded aggressive on my response to yours, I was sick yesterday and probably moody, I actually re-read some of the suggestions and changed my mind a lot about it.
PoisonxPoptart said:
PS sorry if I sounded aggressive on my response to yours, I was sick yesterday and probably moody, I actually re-read some of the suggestions and changed my mind a lot about it.

No need to apologize; if anyone was "aggressive" I guess it was me. I'm just trying to help. Constructive criticism and all. I'm glad you're finding some of my suggestions useful.

One more thing, I think we're getting a card with Cilans effect as a Trainer instead of a Supporter. Just a heads up for next format.
You need to play 4 Junipers or it just won't work. Its the best draw card supporter in the format. Take out the useless teirno or cheren and Bianca and add in 3 Junipers. It is absolutely key if you want this deck to be competitive.
I'll try it out today, but U've found Fat Cheren/Cheren to be pretty helpful in draw power. But we'll see how it works

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Attempt I: I tried using the 4 Junipers, and it seemed it only came when I had very important cards that I just really couldn't discard. I won't let that completely make my mind though, I'm going to try it out a couple more time when I get a chance
So I've been trying out 4 Junipers in the deck all day against my friends. I got to say it helped out alot but I don't think 4 are needed I'm going to keep testing it out but I think 2 may be good.
PoisonxPoptart said:
So I've been trying out 4 Junipers in the deck all day against my friends. I got to say it helped out alot but I don't think 4 are needed I'm going to keep testing it out but I think 2 may be good.

Run 3. 2 just doesn't cut it, and 4 is, for me, too much. The only deck I play 4 Junipers is Flareon, and it's for obvious reasons. You'll see that with 3 you'll get the draw power you need without discarding that many resources.
I've actually really like having the 3 Junipers, the fat cherens have been helping me too though

I'm getting another Keldeo for this deck pretty soon, I really want at least one more Latios though just to make sure I can get it out more often first draw
So far they've worked out great although I haven't tested them with Altaria considering I can kill all ex's in kne hit if I have a laser in my hand and Altaria out
Maxed out Blastoise, Squirtles and Rare Candies. I've been getting 2nd turns blastoises much more often. So I do have to say a lot of previous comments were right
I have no idea, damn I'll have to take that out won't I?

I got the deck list updated, going to find what I can replace with Max potion

So I checked the cuurent modified list and even though max potion is from ermerging powers pack, theres the secret max potion from plasma freeze. Is it legal to use cards from older packs as long as theres a newer version in the newer packs that are exactly the same?