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Luxchomp for Nationals


The Origins of Great Power and Knowledge
This is my LuxChomp deck in the MD-COL format, any deck fixes would help greatly. Thank you in advance.

Pokémon: 21

2 Luxray GL Lv.X (RR)
2 Luxray GL (RR)
2 Garchomp C Lv.X (SV)
2 Garchomp C (SV)
1 Dialga G Lv.X (PL)
1 Dialga G (PL)
1 Uxie Lv.X (LA)
2 Uxie (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)
1 Unown Q (MD)
1 Ambipom G (RR)
1 Dragonite FB (SV)
1 Toxicroak G (DP41)
1 Lucario GL (RR)
1 Bronzong G (PL)
1 Crobat G (PL)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 26

4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
3 Team Galatic’s Invention G-101 Energy Gain
3 Team Galatic’s Invention G-103 Power Spray
4 Team Galatic’s Invention G-105 Poke Turn
2 Team Galatic’s Invention G-109 SP Radar
2 Bebe’s Search
3 Pokémon Collector
1 Aaron’s Collection
1 Twins
1 VS Seeker
1 Junk Arm
1 Premier Ball

Energy: 13

4 Double Colourless Energy
3 Call Energy
2 Lightning Energy
2 Metal Energy
1 Psychic Energy
1 Warp Energy


Luxray GL for the Bright Look power to get and easy and cheap KO, The Garchomp C uses its Dragon Rush to get an Easy and Cheap KO and the Toxicroak G, Ambipom G and Dragonite FB are counters for the Mirror.

I am unsure which of the following counters I should use. I want 1 counter to for the following: VileGar, Machamp SF and Dialga Garchomp.

The Following Counters are:
1-1 Drifblim (UD)
1-1 Honchkrow (SV)
1-1 Dialga G Lv.X (PL)
1-1 Blaziken FB (SV)
First of all, you should take out 1 VS Seeker to put 1 Expert Belt. This helps greatly in Gyarados matchup. Then, you should only let Dialga G L.X in there if you have many Vilegars or if you have little but very good ones. If you don't have Vilegar, just put 1-1 Honchkrow SV. Also, against Dialgachomp you just have to win the colorless war and use Ambipom G with Aaron's Collection to ruin their tank. Also, you need to find room to put a Bronzong G and a Lucario GL. Lucario helps you against Machamp and Gyarados. You should take out for both of them a Metal Energy and 1 Junk arm. That's all! Hope I helped.
sorry there were 3 cards missing. they were the Lucario GL, Bronzong G and Crobat G
first off..you're lucky :p I WISH I could run luxchomp at my nats. if you want I'll pm you my decklist that got me 5th at the ohio state tournament (only losing to an insane speedchamp in top 8) lol
mlouden03 said:
first off..you're lucky :p I WISH I could run luxchomp at my nats. if you want I'll pm you my decklist that got me 5th at the ohio state tournament (only losing to an insane speedchamp in top 8) lol

cool, would you PM me your list you use at Ohio States, it would be greatly appreciated. Also how are you finding the new HGSS-On format? Through my testings I have found out that I really like that decision.