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LuxChomp (Luxray GL Lv. X & Garchomp C Lv. X) [MD-on]


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everybody.
Please help me with this deck to make it the best it can be for Battle Roads. Post any comments/questions/changes you have regarding my list. Thanks.

Pokemon (21):
2-2 Luxray GL Lv. X (RR-RR)
2-2 Garchomp C Lv. X (SV-SV)
1-1 Dialga G Lv. X (PL-PL)
2 Crobat G (PL)
1 Bronzong G (PL)
1 Dragonite FB (SV)
1 Ambipom G (RR)
1 Lucario GL (RR)
1 Toxicroak G (DP41)
2-1 Uxie Lv. X (LA-LA)
1 Azelf (LA)

T/S/S (26):
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL)
4 TGI G-105 Poke Turn (PL)
3 TGI G-103 Power Spray (PL)
3 TGI G-101 Energy Gain (PL)
2 TGI G-109 SP Radar (RR)
3 Pokemon Collector (HS)
2 Bebe's Search (RR)
1 Aaron's Collection (RR)
1 Twins (TR)
1 Junk Arm (TR)
1 Premier Ball (SF)
1 Expert Belt (AR)

Energy (13):
4 Double Colorless Energy (HS)
2 Call Energy (MD)`
2 Warp Energy (SF)
2 Lightning Energy (CL)
2 Metal Energy (CL)
1 Psychic Energy (CL)

Total Cards (60)

Basic LuxChomp strategy.

Professor Oak's New Theory
Energy Exchanger

Thank you in advance.
RE: LuxChomp (Battle Roads) [MD-on]

Your deck is fine, but I would do those changes:
-1 Metal Energy
-1 Junk Arm or Luxury Ball

+2 Call Energy

2 Metal Energy isn't necessary, because your main strategy is attacking with Lux and Garchomp- I suppose. Luxury Ball doesn't helps much, because you already have Pokémon Collector for basics search. I know it searches for Evolutions Pokés, but you don't have any. If you have Gyarados in your meta, trade Junk Arm/Lux Ball for 1 Belt. Call Energy gives your deck consistency. That's all. Hope I helped and good luck!
RE: LuxChomp (Battle Roads) [MD-on]

Thanks for your advice. The thing is, I don't have 2 more Call Energy (nor do I want to trade for them before the rotation). I'm also expecting a lot of Gengar, so I think I want to keep in the Metal Energy to keep a Dialga tank going. I think I will take out the Junk Arm for 1 Expert Belt though.