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LuxChomp.. Seniors, any tournament.


Aspiring Trainer
2 Garchomp C X
2 garchomp C
2 Luxray GL X
2 Luxray GL
1 Dialga G
1 Dialga G X
1 Ambipom G
1 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
1 Lucario GL
1 Uxie X
2 Uxe LA
1 Azelf LA
4 cyrus's conspiracy
4 pokemon collector
2 bebe's search
1 aaron's collection
1 luxury ball
1 pokemon communication
4 energy gain
4 poketurn
3 power spray
3 SP radar
1 palmers contribution
3 Warp
2 {L}

me and promocroak aren't friends anymore after worlds...
Strategy is basically any other strategy for luxchomp,except this one has a third amazing attacker.. dialga G
you wanna wreck your opponent's bench with snipes from garchomp..
luxray's power to bright look benched pokemon for disruption,or cheap KOs to end the game.
i decided ambi over DFB because it's easier to attack with, you don't have to worry about putting a third energy or a energy gain on it...
uxie is the champ counter and DGX is for bodies such as vileplume, spiritomb, and other things.
Driblim FB is better than Ambipom. It can easily snipe the bench, OHKOing Oddishs and glooms, damageing Vileplumes, and OHKOing Uxies & Azelfs if Lucario GL Is in play.
Actually this is lady gaga but thats a horrible name.
Since you are running warp energies you maybe consider Dragonite FB.
Also try to add in Unown Q (For retreating Uxie without attaching energies) And maybe 1 Smeargle.
Good luck :)
actually lady gaga used more dialga instead of teching just a 1-1. im very uncomfortable with Dragonite FB, i could give drifblim a shot though. smeargle isn't really needed in a deck like this. but i'm probably gonna make room for a Q. but ambi is for getting energies off of gengars and putting them onto their vileplumes or spiritombs. if i play drifblim...i'll probably tech in a belt too.

Belt does only work on the active pokémon.
Putting Energies on Vileplume and Spiritomb is probally a bad idea.
Can give us a idea how your metagame looks like?
umm my metagme is decent. magnezone.. gyarados. vilegar. luxchomp
dialga chomp... gengar spread... yeah. but why is that a bad idea? gengar is a medium to low energy deck. if you give spychics to their vileplum they'll start to have energy problems.
3 Warp is a lot, I'd drop it to 2.
-1 Warp Energy
+1 {L} (You might need more than 2)
-1 Collector
-1 Bebe's Search
+2 Pokemon Communication (It'll add to your general speed a lot...)