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Luxchomp Seniors, CC

Shaymin Lv.X

Vissen zijn nat.
Pokemon: 20
2-1 Luxray GL Lv.X ( No 2nd lv.x)
3-1 Garchomp C Lv.X
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q
1 Ambipom G
1 Dragonite FB
1 Promocroak
1 Lucario GL
1-1 Dialga G Lv.X
1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
4 Cyrus
2 Aarons
2 Bebe's
2 Premier Ball
2 Sp radar
4 Poke Turn
3 E-gain
3 Power Spray
2 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Energy Exchanger
4 Call
1 Warp
Strategy: Snipe setup cards/other cheap KO cards with Garchomp C X
And bring up high retreat cost cards with Luxray GL X
I'm ATM looking for space for a 1-1 DGX with 2 Warp NRG.[/color]
After playing SP's for a year now, you absolutely need to have four Collectors! This ensures a fast setup early game. Also, could you please change the font color to something less harmful? I can't read the list without highlighting it, and then it becomes harder to read.
2-2 Garchomp > 3-1 Garchomp
---> more times to heal, and you wouldn't need to run 2 premier balls
-1 premier ball
+1 Collector
Maybe try a VS Seeker in here, to reuse Cyrus or something...
Hope I helped!
@Captain Mongoose.
3-1 GCX is against mirror matches.
So you still have a garchomp c left after one is dragon rushed.
AS for the collector.
I already have 4 Call in it.
And 2 Premier balls is a good amount.
Since they can also recover LV.X'es.
Which will can help sometimes ( Like using Aaron's + Premier ball grabbing Luxray GL + Lighting + Lv.X)
I wouldn't take out Premier Ball. There are countless times when you need to use a useful Supporter during your turn, and it is useful to search for a Lv.x without using your Supporter for the turn. I would drop an Aaron's. 1 is enough.
I know many people play 1 Aarons.
But in a match like Gyarados.
You better can play 2;Getting NRG back after trashbolt + getting Luxray's back.
I know 3 collector is better btw but finding space is pretty hard.
That's pretty convincing, if there is a lot of G-dos in your area. It's pointless to play Ambipom G and Dragonite FB, since they are both mirror and Dialgachomp counters. I like Ambipom better, just becuase it's faster. But it's up to you. Just drop one of those to make room for the Collector.
The metagame will look something like this:
1 Sablelock varient ( Heavy disruptive)
1 Drapion/Vileplume/Flygon
1 Luxchomp (?)
1 Weird sp toolbox using regigigas FB as main attacker
1 Random rouge deck.
1 Kingdra/Obamasnow (?)
2 Aarons also helps in a -chomp match.
I think Ambipom G and Dragonite FB is a good choice to have both, because sometimes you need one and sometimes you need the other one. Take out the 2 junk arms and the 2 energy exchanger and add 1 collector(consistency), 2 pokemon communications(same reason) and 1 psychic energy (one for promocroak and one for drifblim).
When do i need Promocroak AND drifblim at the same time?
I'm not adding Pokemon communication, I know to get drifblim out. But i already have 2 Bebe's search. and i dont need more consistency in that way.
( 2 Premier balls,2 sp radar,2 bebe's)
Maybe i'm adding 1 collector for 1 Energy exchanger.
Pokémon Communication is good, you can get an uxie when you don't have a collector or need to get luxray, garchomp and a tech. It also let's you search for Uxie L.X, or drifblim UD. It's very useful. 2 Junk Arm? 1 at max, it looks like you will have TONS of cards in your hand, just max out the TGI. 4 Power Spray is really good, and against another luxchomp 4 E-Gain are really useful. Against Mewtwo you have to kill mewtwo (basic) in one turn, dragon rush and crobat G to the KO. If you take out drifblim max out the E-Gains and the power sprays.
Updated the list with DGX tech,and pokemon communication. :)
I'm not removing Junk arm for TGI's because i can simply reuse them.
EDIT: Forgot about crobat G, removed a pokemon commu