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LuxChomp (States)

Baron Zemo

Aspiring Trainer
2-2 Garchomp C - Garchomp C X (SV)
1 Dragonite FB (SV)
1 Bronzong G (P)
1 Crobat G (P)
1 Chatot G (SV)
2-2 Luxray GL - Luxray GL X (RR)
1-1 Staraptor FB - Staraptor FB X (SV)
1-1 Uxie (LA) - Uxie X (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)
1 Lucario GL (RR)
1 Ambipom G (RR)
20 Pokemon

3 Pokemon Communicatioin
2 Power Spray
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Luxury Ball
3 Energy Gain
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Pokemon Collector
4 Poketurn
4 SP Radar
2 Aaron's Collection
1 VS Seeker
1 Level Max
1 Seeker
1 Premier Ball
31 Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums

4 Double Colorless Energy
7 Lightning
11 Energy

Deck that is prepared to deal with just about any other deck. Problem was that it got clunky at states, as was pointed out on these forums. Need to adjust the strategy and deck for regions.
-2 Dragonite FB
+ 1-1 Luxray (Or +2 Luxray GL) Honestly you shoulve already had this.

-6 Psychic Energy (Why do you have this?)
+2 Pokemon Collector
+3 Lightning Energy
+1 Aarons Collection

-4 Roseannes Research (These were rotated)
+2 Uxie
+1 Azelf
+1 Energy Gain

-2 Pokemon Communication
+2 Power Spray

+1 Lucario GL (Only if Gyarados is big in your Area)
(1 Free space now)

-2 Crobat G
- 1 Chatot G
+4 Calls
I did a quick look through, didnt have time for a thorough analysis. Mabey tomorrow....

Honestly I think 4 Crobat is wayyyyy to much. I would put 2 in at the most. Also by running only 1 Luxray X,
you run the risk of having it prized with no azelf. I am also surprised at your lack of Uxie for draw power,
a few cards has saved me many times. You should also include a Luciario GL in case you run into a Garados Which
you should at states. I would also look at including an Ambipom G for energy minipulation and the Donk ability.

As for your trainer lines:
4 Cyrus/ Poketurn is Perfect
As is your 3 Energy Gain.

However, Running 4 SP Radar and 4 Communication is Kinda clunky and will most likely get you Poltergisted to death.

I would:
-2 Crobat
-2 Pokemon Communication
-2 SP Radar
-2 Professor Oaks New Theory

+1 Luciaro GL
+1 Azelf
+2 Uxie
+1 Ambipom G
+1 Twins
+1 VS Seeker
+1 Premier Ball

You could also look into Snow Point Temple or Champions Room if you want a stadium. I would also be careful with just 1 Luxray X as the popularity of LostGar increases. If you lose a X then your deck is pretty handicapped.
I made a lot more changes based on this great advice. Put in Ambipom G and he won the first game I played after adding him! Ambipom G is great card for my deck.

I will update on here what my deck looks like after league tonight. Thank You
Update your list when you get a chance so we can make some more changes. Just remember to only take the advice your comfortable with, it dosen't matter how good a deck is if you are not comfortable playing it.
+1 weavile G
+1 or 2 darkenergy

this both gives you another good starter if you get him (he is a power spray first turn everytime you start with him.) and he is a great gengar/lostgar counter.
I'm looking at the first post, and Night Maintenance/Roseanne's Research are both illegal. The list that you are using is wrong, then. You can get Pokemon Collector easily if you decide to buy the right HS-on theme deck.
Updated deck that was played at MN states. Went 3 wins and 2 losses in the seniors division. Need some help with making it less clunky. Got beat bad by a great lostgar deck and a close loss to a gyrados deck.
GDos can go either way depending on who takes off first. As for lostgar, the easy way is to just remove more pokemon. Looking at your list, I would drop the Staraptor Line, either the Dragonite or the Ambipom (I use Ambipom only) and mabey the Chatot G. That would lower your pokemon count some. You should really look into running at least 2 Pokemon Collectors. Easiest way is to examine what worked for your play style and what didnt. For example, I went 3-3 primarily because in 2 games I played multiple turns with 1 or no cards in my hand while my opponet had a whole hand so I would consider adding a PONT or another Uxie.