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Luxchomp (with a legendary twist)


Aspiring Trainer

3-1 Luxray GL LV X
2-2 Garchomp C LV X
1-1 Dialga G LV X
1-1 Entei & Raikou Legend
2-1 Uxie LV X
1 Azelf LA
1 Quagsire GL
1 Ambipom G
1 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
1 Lucario GL
1 Unown Q

Supporters, Trainers, Tools

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aarons Collection
1 Pokemon Collector
3 Energy Gain
3 Power Spray
4 Poke Turn
2 SP Radar
2 Premier Ball
1 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball


3 Lightning {L}
2 Basic Metal {M}
1 Water {W}
1 Fire {R}
3 Call {C}
4 DCE {C}{C}

Stratagey: pretty much the same as any luxchomp, quagsire is a donphan counter ( punch and run to bring up crobat g with resistance and free retreat ), also Entei & Raikou Legend is very good early game, being able to take a few prizes when your opponents used uxies, mesprit, etc.

So far im suffering from a lack of consistancy, im not sure what to take out and what to put in though? Suggestions would be much appreciated :D
- 1 Quagsire GL
- 1 Expert Belt
- 1 Water Energy

+ 1 Toxicroak G
+ 2 Pokemon Collector

Quagsire GL is unnecessary in this deck, as is Water Energy. Your consistency problem is that you don't run enough Collector, which is why you need 3. I never liked EB in Luxchomp, mainly because you will likely be using Energy Gain on your Chomps and Lux. Toxicroak is necessary in mirror and other matchups for revenge KO's. This means you'll need to find room for one Psychic Energy, but I'll leave that up to someone else.

Hope I helped.
Hey, thanks for that :)
I'll test it out soon. im guessing the toxicroak g is the promo one?

Thanks again :)
That would be my assumption too. Toxicroak G (Promo) is better for Revenge Kills because against anything that is weak to Fighting, you do 120 damage after a KO plus Poison (aka Luxray GL).
Yeah, it is Promocroak. It's a great Donphan counter because Donphan fails under poison, especially a belted one.
Okay, sounds good lol
So does the rest of the list look alright? Would Legend Box, Junk Arm, Vs Seeker help or any other trainers?

Thanks for the help :)
No Legend Box, considering you run only 1/1 ERl and only 14 Energy (which is actually quite a lot in Luxchomp). The odds of it working aren't high, so Communication/Bebe's would be better.

I would try to find room for Junk Arm and VS Seeker. VS is great to help cycle through some used Supporters, and cycling through VS Seeker/used Trainers is a good play (reuse Poke Turn, SP Radar, Premier Ball, etc.)
Any ideas on what else to take out lol? What if i take out all call energy, max out collector and 2 VS seeker/Junk Arm, or one of each?
And still need help for what to take out for psycic energy

Thanks :)
here are my suggestions:

-1 Quagsire
-1 unown Q (al you need this for is ERL and if you need it it typically stays until KO)
-3 Call
-1 Premier ball (if all this is used for is uxie because of SP radar)
-1 Water
-1 Expert belt (just NO(0b))

+3 Collector
+1 Promocroak
+1 Psychic NRG
+1 SP radar
+1 Fire NRG
+1 Dragonite FB
Lol, im not sure on this but i thought expert belt was to one hit machamp x's? With Uxie X and Lucario GL that is... i don't know, i guess im wrong haha? Thanks for the advice though :)
Belt also helps with Gyarados. I really didn't expect all the hate on Expert Belt. I guess it's just personal preference.

As far as the list goes, you really need at least 3 Collector. I also prefer 2 Aarons, but again, personal preference.
