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Luxchomp with Dialga G tech

Chaos Ripper

Obsessed w/ TES-Oblivion, Lamb of God, and GH-WOR
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
2 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
2-2 Luxray GL Lv.X
1-1 Dialga G Lv.X
1 Ambipom G
1 Dragonite FB
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q


Basic {M}-2
Double Colorless-4
Call energy-3


Energy Gain-4
Poke Turn-4
Power Spray-3
SP Radar-3

Bebe's Search-4
Pokemon Collector-3
Aaron's Collection-2
Cyrus's Conspiracy-4
Professor Oak's New Theory-1


garchomp c to snipe and heal, luxray gl x to annoy opponent and to do quick damage, dragonite FB for sp guard, ambipom G for donk, and everything else is support
RE: Discard and Switch (Gyarados & SP)

You're combining two different decks that do completely different things. It's better to focus on one set strategy because you'll never be able to get both to work to achieve your complete strategy. I would suggest going for Dialga/Garchomp with a Luxray tech considering this is mostly an SP deck. The Gyarados just doesn't help the overall strategy of SP and it's worth it to take out the lines for consistency. If you really wanted to use Gyarados, you could build a separate deck around Gyarados and focusing on good starts and key set up to get Gyarados out super quick.

dmaster out.
RE: Discard and Switch (Gyarados & SP)

Ditto (no pun intended :)) with dmaster. G-dos is a speed build if you wanna break it down. SP is meant for speed as well, but does completley different things compared to G-dos. So like dmaster said. Stick with SP.
RE: Discard and Switch (Gyarados & SP)

okay, i get it. i will edit it so that it will be fully SP.
You have a solid start, but the deck has a few problems:

-1 Mesprit
-1 Unown Q
-2 Super Scoop UP
-2 Volkner's Philosophy
-2 Bebe's Search
-1 Crobat G

+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Aaron's Collection
+1 Uxie (LA)
+1 Uxie Lv.X (LA)
+3 Call Energy

In an SP deck, you won't need Mesprit, Volkner's Philosophy, or Super Scoop Up. You can already Power lock well enough with Power Spray, and with Theory, you don't need Volkner's. On top of that, Super Scoop Up is outclassed by Poke Turn. With SP Radar, you don't need four Bebe's, and Azelf can get out your single Crobat G/Unown Q.

Pokemon Collector adds consistency to the deck, since it lets you pull out Uxie or other SP Pokemon much more easily. Aaron's Collection is for recovery, Uxie and Uxie Lv.X are for drawpower, and Call Energy helps you setup early in the game.
gotcha, editing now. i refuse to go 1 crobat g because it is really valuable in really tight situations, and often 10 damage is keeping you from a knock out
You either use the powerful tank dialga or the fast switcher Luxchomp. Its hard to put them both into effect in a single game. And why do you have BTS and a single Azelf Lv.X? You can't use either becaus Azelf's poke body is shut down by Dialga G Lv.X plus the fact that you have no Azelf in that deck.
the azelf lv.x is a typo, and i will edit that, and the BTS is from a previous version, so i will delete that too