• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Epic Fail

Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone. I have Luxchomp decklist I made and want to build. It'll take me awhile to build due to limited funding, but I wanted to post it before I started building it. Here it is:

Pokemon: 22
2-2 luxray
3-1 garchomp
2-1-2 machamp
4 crobat G
1-0-1 nidoking
2-1 uxie

Trainers: 24
4 power spray
1 TM-ts1 evoluter
4 poke'turn
3 Rosanne's research
2 rare candy
4 energy gain
4 Curus's conspiracy
2 bebe's search

Energy: 14
9 lightning
5 fighting

Any criticism is greatly appreciated thanks for any feedback.
- 1 garchomp C
- 2-1-2 machamp line
- 2 crobat G
- 1-0-1 nidoking
- 1 evoluter
- 3 Roseannes(rotated out)
- 2 rare candy
- 1 energy gain
- 5 electric energy
- 5 fighting energy

+ 1 garchomp C X
+ 1 unown Q
+ 1 bronzong G
+ 3 SP radar
+ 2 pokemon collector
+ 2 pokemon communication
+ 2 proffesor oak's new theory
+ 4 double collorless energy
+ 4 call energy
+ 1 dragonite FB
+ 1 promocroak (toxicroak G promo DP 41)
+ 1 Psychic energy
+ 4 of anything else you want

EDIT: Explanations of why the changes were made: 2-2 garchomp is better in case one is prized. Machamp makes the deck incosistent, same with nidoking, and without those you don't need rare candy. 4 crobat g is way overkill, you will never need them all, and they will be ERL bait, as well as clog your bench. The evoluter isnt needed without the machamp and nidoking, the Roseannes are rotated out, the 4th energy gain isnt important and there are better things to use the spot for. You dont need fighting energy without machamp and nidoking, and 9 electric energy is overkill as well, you usually only need 4 so that they dont clog your hand as much. Plus you can search them out with cyrus's conspiracy. The unown Q helps get out uxie X, and helps with bad starts. Bronzong G moves around your energy and helps set up fast snipes, SP radar is a searchable (with cyrus) trainer that fetches you SP's, Pokemon collector gets basic pokemon, pokemon communication is for consistency,PONT is for hand refresh that helps alot against trainer locking decks like gengar/vileplume that can give this deck problems. Double collorless energy is to set up snipes with garchomp, call energy helps with starts, and sets up a quick power spray.The dragonite FB is to counter opposing garchomp C's or any other pokemon SP for that matter. Promocroak OHKO's luxray after a KO, and is good against T-Tar which also gives this deck problems (sometimes). Psychic is for promocroak, and the last four spots you can devote to something to counter decks in your area.