Hey everyone. I have Luxchomp decklist I made and want to build. It'll take me awhile to build due to limited funding, but I wanted to post it before I started building it. Here it is:
Pokemon: 22
2-2 luxray
3-1 garchomp
2-1-2 machamp
4 crobat G
1-0-1 nidoking
2-1 uxie
Trainers: 24
4 power spray
1 TM-ts1 evoluter
4 poke'turn
3 Rosanne's research
2 rare candy
4 energy gain
4 Curus's conspiracy
2 bebe's search
Energy: 14
9 lightning
5 fighting
Any criticism is greatly appreciated thanks for any feedback.
Pokemon: 22
2-2 luxray
3-1 garchomp
2-1-2 machamp
4 crobat G
1-0-1 nidoking
2-1 uxie
Trainers: 24
4 power spray
1 TM-ts1 evoluter
4 poke'turn
3 Rosanne's research
2 rare candy
4 energy gain
4 Curus's conspiracy
2 bebe's search
Energy: 14
9 lightning
5 fighting
Any criticism is greatly appreciated thanks for any feedback.