Luxray Gl LvX


Aspiring Trainer
A few weeks ago I had great luck and pulled a Luxray GL Lv. X. I don't know what to do with him. I just need somes ideas on what combo him with. I really don't want to build luxchomp. So any other ideas will be welcomed. (luxchomp is all i can think of personal but i really want something different unless you guys think luxchomp is the best combo?)
Or just use it in some of your current decks to "spice" it up. Or if any of your decks need some help vs gyarados.
You could build LoxChomp, Sableock with Luxray tech for extra disruption, or LuxChamp, to bring up your opponents benched basic pokemon and then take out.
you could always sell it...

but if you want to use it, use it in loxchomp/gyarados.