Ruling Luxray GL vs Manectric PL


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, i was wondering a little about how Luxray attack Flash Impact works with Manectric PL pokebody, it reads as the follows:

Prevent all damage done to your Benched Pokémon (excluding any Manectric) by attacks.

Lets say that i have a Luxray GL as my active, a Manectric on my bench and some random pokemon on my bench too (like a Pikachu).

Ok if i use Flash Impact and i must do 30 of damage to one of my pokemon, can i target Pikachu to receive that damage (and end up avoiding it thanks to Manectric) ? sounds like a good combo but i wonder if it works.

Or i have to chose a pokemon that is able to receive damage, like Manectric and Luxray GL?

Finally not very related but, If my opponent and myself only have a prize left, and use Luxray GL Flash Impact to KO his defending pokemon, but at the same time i have to KO one of my pokemon too due to the 30 of damage (like the same luxray or some other in my bench) it ends up in a draw?

Thanks a lot.
1) When you use Flash Impact's Pokemon to damage one of your own Pokemon, you can pick any target (there is nothing that says you cannot pick a target that would be immune to it). If you have Manectric on the bench, and select the Pikachu as the target for Flash Impact, Pikachu receives 0 damage.

2) When you use any attack, you must complete all steps of the attack. You do 60 damage to his Pokemon, 30 damage to one of your own, and then check for knockouts. You draw prizes for each knockout, and if your opponent and you both end up with zero prizes, it is a draw if both of you have Benched Pokemon remaining. (If your opponent has no Benched Pokemon left, you have 2 victory conditions to his 1, and therefore win; otherwise, Sudden Death is played.)

Hope this helps!